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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3356

"It's so impressive!"

Austin was very grateful to the chaotic world tree.

"That isn't the best part yet. Just wait and see. It won't be long before this cosmos becomes a low-grade one.

After that, it will be upgraded to the middle grade, and finally to the high grade,"

the chaotic world tree said confidently.

"Wait. What? Did you just say that this cosmos can be upgraded to a high-grade one?"

Austin couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, of course. That's no big deal.

Now that I have merged with the cosmos, it will grow and be upgraded gradually as I grow,"

the chaotic world tree explained plainly.

"Oh, I see. That's great then."

Austin was overjoyed as he heard the information from the chaotic world tree.

If the Fallen Immortal Cosmos could be upgraded to a high-grade one in the future, it meant that its overall strength would definitely advance by many folds.

It was known that premium-grade gods usually resided in high-grade universes.

Even in the Sea of Chaos, high-grade universes would attract many cultivators. They tried to get into one to cultivate there because of the rich energy that they could utilize.

"By the way, do you need any kind of resources to sustain and easily advance your growth?

I'll try to find them for you if it's necessary,"

Austin asked sincerely.

"You want to find resources for my growth?


Are you sure you can do that?"

The chaotic world tree burst out laughing, thinking that Austin was joking.

"Why are you laughing? I'll do it. Just tell me what you need,"

Austin replied with a straight face.

"Okay. Okay. I guess there's no harm in trying. Well, there are three types of resources that you could find for me.

First, there is the divine soil formed from the flesh and blood of a dead premium-grade divine god. Second would be the soil under the root of an evergreen tree, which is also called the non-corroding soil. Last is the time water, which is the sacred water of the wild race.

If you can help me find all of these three precious treasures, it would greatly benefit me."

The chaotic world tree stared at Austin with a playful look as it gave him the details of the treasures.

Austin swallowed hard and smiled awkwardly after hearing what the tree said.

His confidence kind of dwindled upon hearing the names of the treasures.

If his memory served him right, he had never seen or heard any of these treasures before.

Just from their strange names, he could imagine how precious they were and how difficult to obtain them.

"There. I told you everything, so go help me find those treasures."

The chaotic world tree continued to make fun of Austin as it saw his sour face.

"Y-yeah of course. Well, I know it will be a little difficult to find all of these, so it may take a lot of time,"

Austin replied reluctantly but his pride prevented him from retracting his offer to find the treasures.

"Ha-ha! Stop it brat. You don't have to force yourself.

Even if I give you enough time, you won't be able to find these unparalleled treasures.

Even a premium-grade god would go crazy in finding them."

The chaotic world tree laughed at Austin's determination.

"You can't give up on me yet.

You're also an unparalleled treasure, but I managed to bring you back,"

Austin retorted with a serious face.

"Hmm. That is true.

It seems that you're a man of great luck.

However, you'll need more than luck when you deal with these treasures.

I'll give you a deal. If you really find them, I'll follow you forever. You can use me as you will."

The chaotic world tree issued the challenge to Austin.

"All right then. Wait and see,"

Austin answered stubbornly.


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