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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3363

In the starry sky, eight figures dashed at lightning speed. Each of them burned their original blood essence to maximize the rate of their movements.

As they fled, blood was scattered along the way.

They were none other than the Eight Stone Saints.

All of them were severely injured, and their clothes were stained with blood.

"Hold on, guys. We're only a few miles away from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos,"

Asa said loudly to motivate the others.

Dozens of men were chasing after them.

The pursuers were clad in black robes, and their eyes were filled with killing intent.

"Don't lose them! They are like spent arrows; they can't hold on for long.

I've dispatched a message back. Soon, Divine Realm masters will come to our aid.

But let's see if we can capture these eight bastards by ourselves before the reinforcement comes.

I can't wait to catch them!"

one of the men in black sneered.

"Rumor has it that these Eight Stone Saints are Austin's good friends and are senior members of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

If we get them, it would truly be a great achievement,"

another man in black said.

"Let me deal with them!"

a third men in black shouted.


A cold long bow suddenly appeared in his hand, and its golden bowstring trembled slightly. Then, dozens of long arrows were put on the bowstring and were shot forward in an instant.

The arrows turned into daunting streaks of black light, which tore the sky and darted towards Conor.

"Let's block the arrows together!"

Asa roared.

Not long ago, the Eight Stone Saints had already learned the power of those sharp arrows.

Clang! Clang!

The eight huge stone clubs expanded into eight tall mountains and blocked all the incoming arrows.

"Ha-ha, you can't escape. Just surrender!

You're wasting your energy,"

a man in black said coldly and cackled.

"Just wait and see, you scoundrels! I will rip your heads sooner or later!"

Conor roared.

"Ha-ha! You are about to die, but you still have the audacity to talk back!"

A scoff came from behind.


In the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

"Austin, things are not going well. I have received an urgent report that the people who have been travelling outside our cosmos are being purged, and many of them have already been killed.

Some people tried to send messages back to our headquarters before they died.

In the past few decades, a large number of creatures from our cosmos have explored other universes to help themselves with their cultivation.

I found a way to contact them and ask them to come back as soon as possible.

However, some of them might not be able to come back in time."

Austin, who was still in the secret room, suddenly received an emergency message from Kevin.

"The Eight Stone Saints!"

Austin suddenly opened his eyes and stood up abruptly.

Dozens of years ago, after the Eight Stone Saints became earth immortals, they left the Fallen Immortal Cosmos to travel to other universes. Until now, they hadn't come back.

If there were some outsiders who wanted to kill the creatures from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos, then the Eight Stone Saints would be in danger.

All of them were senior members of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos and Austin's good friends.

Considering their importance to the cosmos and to Austin, the enemy would never let them go once they got a hold of the Eight Stone Saints.

"Elder Kevin, I'm going out.

Get everyone ready for battle,"

Austin ordered.


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