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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3365

"I have been staying in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos for quite a while. I have been cultivating in a secret place.

And this time, the cultivating took me a little longer time than usual,"

Austin explained.

"Oh, I get it.

As long as you come back, Austin, the Fallen Immortal Cosmos will not be afraid of any external enemies."

Asa smiled and patted his friend's shoulder.

"But first, let's go and pick up other people," Austin ordered with a wave of his hand.

As he did, the Eight Stone Saints, along with more than one hundred Divine Realm slaves, were immediately taken into him.

At this point, countless creatures from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos were being hunted down in the three thousand big and small universes.

The inhabitants of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos were travelling around. They were all over the three thousand big and small universes, and now they were targeted.

"Ha-ha! There is no escape!

All of you are nothing but weaklings! Go to hell!"

The starry sky was in utter chaos—it was littered with creatures being chased by people clad in black robes. They were laughing wildly, seemingly enjoying the hunting down the people from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

As the people were getting tired of running in circles, they decided to band together. This way, it would be much easier for them to escape the black-robed men and brainstorm ideas. In the end, they decided to flee to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

As a result, the forces chasing them also convened. They were roughly around five hundred men!


A faint sword light suddenly flashed in the distant chaotic void.

This caught the attention of the pursuers.

"What's that? What happened?

I suddenly felt a surge of iciness overtake my body." One of the black-robed men felt a shiver down his spine.

"Yes, I had the same feeling. It seems that something has crept into my body. I have a bad feeling."

"Me too."

The rest of the pursuers felt the same way—a rise of coldness permeating their bodies. A sense of foreboding took over them. They knew that something terrible happened just now.

After a while, something else happened.

"Oh, no! Why is my body glowing? No! It's not glowing! It's sword aura! My body is erupting sword aura!"

One of them suddenly screamed in horror as countless bright sword lights poured out from his body.

The aura these sword lights emitted was so sharp that it dismembered his body in an instant!

Then, the same thing happened to the rest of them.

In just a span of a few minutes, the robed men burst out horrible sword aura like flood, turning their bodies into powder.

"What's going on?"

The creatures from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos were confused. Although what just happened was surprising to them, this still worked in their favor.

"Everyone is safe now."

Austin materialized all of a sudden in front of them. With a gentle smile on his face, he reassured them.

"It's Austin, our leader!

We are safe now. He saved us!"

As soon as the creatures of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos laid eyes on Austin, they cheered. They were completely relieved since the situation was getting out of hand.

Austin had become the spiritual pillar of every living being in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

For them, as long as Austin was around, they would remain safe and sound.

"Finally, all of you are safe. Let's go back to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos first, and then we can talk about this incident in detail."

Austin waved his sleeve, and sent everyone into his Slave Tower.

He then released his spiritual sense again. Like a tide, it slowly spread in every direction and sensed everything happening in the three thousand big and small universes.

He found that there were still plenty of creatures from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos being hunted down!

Austin frowned when realized this.

In the past few decades, many creatures of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos had decided to come out of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos to improve their abilities, and some of them even had their own business outside their universe.


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