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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 340

The head of the Blood Wolf Team crowd stood with his hands clasped behind his back, staring and grinning at Mike and the two young girls who were whispering at each other.

The crowd of the Blood Wolf Team was laughing and threatening the three, with some of them even making nasty remarks about the two girls. They acted like ruthless predators who would always play with their prey before they finally devour them.

The guards who were employed to protect the three, however, were all scared––even trembled in fear as they nervously looked at the crowd. Lacking the courage to pick up their weapons, they stood cowardly like helpless lambs ready to be slaughtered.

"Dear friends from the Blood Wolf Team! I understand that you come to us for money! How about this––we give you half of our property loaded in the carriage and share them as a gift?

Our two ladies are the disciples of Ms. Xiao from the Flower Blooming Sect. Our journey is bound to the imperial capital city to visit a relative. Dear friends, I hope that you can let us go for the sake of the Flower Blooming Sect," Mike said respectfully, clasping his hands and bowing to the head of the crowd. He was hopeful of bargaining for their safety.

"Ha-ha! It turns out the girls are from the Flower Blooming Sect! I heard that the disciples of that sect are all girls and that they are extremely beautiful! I didn't believe it until today. They are indeed, beautiful!

What a lucky day for me to gaze upon the infamous beautiful ladies of the famous Flower Blooming Sect. Such a great day! I must have a taste of their 'flowers'!"

The headman mockingly laughed at Mike's words, and as if it was not enough disgrace, he went on and spit nasty remarks to the women of Flower Blooming Sect.

Mike immediately paled with fright. It seemed that he could not negotiate their way out. The man was not afraid of the Flower Blooming Sect at all, and in fact, he was more delighted to meet the women from their sect.

"Stop blabbering nonsense! I'm going to sleep with the two beautiful ladies right now.

All of you put down your weapons! You will face death if you disobey my word. If anyone dares to resist, I will torture you in the most wretched and miserable way before I finally kill you!"

the head of Blood Wolf Team crowd threatened the guards. He was unquestionably thirsty for the two ladies, and he was growing impatient of their resistance. This agitation was reflected in the vital energy force that was terrifyingly glistening around his body.

"Come on! Do it!" he ordered, growing more impatient as seconds passed.

Killing was such a thrilling game for the members of the Blood Wolf Team––they enjoyed it more than anyone. Right now, their eyes were shot with blood-thirst for the guards, and they couldn't wait any longer. As soon as the headman gave his order, they excitedly charged at them.

The guards looked at the ferocious enemies with every inch of their limb trembling. In mere seconds, the members of the Blood Wolf Team were already in front of them. One guard couldn't help screaming, "Shit! I'm going to die now! I shouldn't have taken this task for money. Oh, I'm regretting it now! I'm going to die!"

"Dear friends! I was hired to take this mission. In fact, I don't even know them! Now, I declare that I quit! I have nothing to do with the two girls. Please let me go! I beg you! Please let me leave right now!" another one knelt and begged for mercy. Loyalty to their mission absolutely left the morale of the quivering guards.

"Don't kill me, please! Dear friends, I have always admired and respected you. You are heroes in my heart! In fact, I'm a follower of the Blood Wolf Team! If you allow, I want to join the Blood Wolf Team. I will dedicate my life for it!" someone declared, spitting the true allegiance that he wished to be part of.

All the guards had lost their spirits and will to fight. They were all begging and praying, willing to do anything to survive. While others had already fled, some were huddled on the ground, crying. Others were even too scared that they peed on their pants, and the rest just stood frozen, unable to move from being horrified.

All of a sudden, the seventy guards that were hired to protect the two ladies of Flower Blooming Sect were totally subdued.


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