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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3417

Austin, Ingram, and Tyrone were baffled. Instantly their eyes got on the green head.

And when they heard what it said, it left them gaping.

"What? Tell us first, who are you?"

Ingram asked with a stern face. He opened his eyes wide in bewilderment.


Well, you don't need to know who I am. Now that the three of you have come here, you have to accept the challenge. There is no way out for you all now!

Only if you pass the challenge, you will be allowed to continue your journey. Only then can you move forward.

However, if you are not able pass it, you will have to die here today!"

the ugly green head said. The air was filled with its strange laughter. It was terrifying enough to send shivers down everyone's spine.

"Really? But why should we accept the challenge?

Instead of facing the challenge, we can try to find another way and take a detour. Surely there might be other ways to move on."

Ingram put forward the thought running in his mind. He was sure that the others too would agree to his idea.

He knew for certain that no one wanted to take that so-called challenge. There was no reason or logic in getting into unnecessary challenges and troubles.

All of them had seen so many skeletons of divine gods floating in the lake. Looking at those bones, they knew that the challenge before them was very terrible and dangerous. They had to be extremely cautious. If they were careless even for the slightest moment, all of them could end up losing their lives instantly.

"Yes. I think that's better.

Let's take a detour from here,"

Tyrone said. He was nodding his head in agreement. The danger lurking before them was clear as crystal to him.

"Ha-ha! Ha-ha!"

Suddenly, the dark green head, which was present in the lake not very far away from them, burst into a wild and sharp laughter. It echoed in the air creating an eerie feeling for the others.

"Well, I think you need to know that since you're the ones to come here, it's not up to you to decide. You cannot decide if you want to take it or refuse it.

Now, listen to me. In front of you, there are only two ways.

Your first option is to enter the lake and accept the challenge. You will have to follow the orders and instructions obediently.

The second option you have is to stay by the lake until you get old till the time when you will eventually die.

The bad news for you all is that you can't make a detour. So, keep in mind that there is no other way out!

And let me give you another piece of vital information. Once you reach here, it's impossible to go back.

You just can't turn around from the challenge, once you have arrived here,"

the green head said. It gave a smirk and laughed wickedly. It was delighted to see the shocked faces of the others.


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