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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3427

"Go to hell!"

In a fit of rage, two broadswords of primitive simplicity appeared in Otis' hands. The blades were as wide as two sharp doors, slashing at Lucian.

"What the hell? You really want to smash me? Ha ha. Don't get too confident!"

Lucian merely laughed out wildly in response. Then, a huge violet and golden hammer appeared in his hand. He swung the hammer and blocked the attack from Otis.


As the two medium-grade divine gods gave their all in the fight, loud clashing sounds were heard, shaking the whole space and the earth below.

"Don't just stand there! Give it all you've got and let's fight this one to the finish!"

Lucian's companions, three medium-grade divine gods and dozens of preliminary-grade divine gods, let out numerous loud roars and rushed towards Otis with vicious expressions on their faces.

"Bastards, don't be so rude!"

Behind Otis, the strong man named Magee rushed forward and threw out a punch. His fist quickly enlarged, and the bone-chilling, flapping sound of a dragon's wings and the earth-shattering growl of a tiger hit them like a windy storm, making the void in front of him collapse.

Magee was also a medium-grade divine god.

In addition to him, there was another middle-aged man with an elegant face clad in a white robe. He also stood out as he fought against their enemies, standing side-by-side with Otis.

This gentleman was also a medium-grade divine god.

There were three other medium-grade divine gods who had come with Otis to escort Austin and his companions, which brought the total to four medium-grade divine gods on their side, including Otis himself.

In addition, there were also three preliminary-grade divine gods.

On the other side, Austin, Ingram, and Tyrone were also as strong as preliminary-grade divine gods.

Thus, the battle between the medium-grade divine gods of both sides had begun.

This battle was fated to be a fierce one, with an ugly defeat waiting for the side that was doomed to lose.

In addition, dozens of preliminary-grade divine gods under Lucian's command, had surrounded Austin and his team, all wearing a cheeky smile on their faces.

The plan was to capture Austin and his companions alive.

The faces of the three preliminary-grade divine gods who came with Otis turned ghastly pale. They somewhat regretted joining Otis seeing that Lucian's group seemed awful. They didn't look like they played by the rules, and instead liked to play dirty.

They were well aware that it was useless to beg for mercy or even surrender since Lucian was so ferocious and heartless that he had never shown anyone even a bit of compassion.

The only option for them was to fight. And if this was where their lives ended then so be it.

As for Austin, Ingram, and Tyrone, they were extremely upset for being targeted and regarded as nothing more than fat sheep. What an insult!


Suddenly, Austin thought of something and looked toward Bill.

The medium-grade divine gods from both sides had begun fighting fiercely. It was going to be a long battle since everyone had almost the same level of skills.

However, Bill just stood on the side with arms crossed, staring at the Austin and his companions with a playful smile on his face.

'Rats! I'll be damned if he turns out to be a traitor!'

Austin thought to himself.

"Hey Bill, why haven't you made a move yet?

I thought we were allies.

Back then, when we agreed to an alliance, we had made a vow to unite and join forces in order to fight our enemies!"

Otis shouted to Bill with a stern face. He also had noticed that something was wrong with the latter.

"Ha ha!

Otis, when we forged the alliance back then, we made a clear vow that we would share both weal and woe, and that we would assist each other through good times and bad times!

But, why did you have to take all these three fat sheep here and forget to share them with me?

How dare you mention the vow that we made, now?"

Bill sneered with greedy eyes as he stood side with his arms crossed, not moving an inch.

"Bill! What nonsense are you talking about?


Oh, I see.

It must be you. You must be the one who has secretly gone to Lucian to collude with him and let him bring people here to stage an ambush!"

It didn't take long for Otis to figure everything out.

"Ha ha, Bill, it doesn't matter even if you told him all about it.

All in all, let's work together to kill him today in order to avoid future trouble! This is going to get worse if we don't put an end to it now!"

Lucian laughed wildly listening to the two, bickering back and forth.

"Bill, you damn traitor! How dare you betray your ally! You bastard!"

Magee roared.

"What the hell, Bill! You shouldn't have done that.

Lucian has done a lot of bad things. How could you even think of colluding with him?"

the elegant man in a white robe sighed and shook his head.

"Ha ha! As they say, a wise man submits to fate.

I can already foresee your destiny and I don't want to die here. Well, I just want to kill Otis today! If that is carried out then I'll be a happy man!


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