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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3481

At that time, Austin, Otis, and their companions arrived at a vast mountain range and decided to take a short break to catch their breath.

No other team or individual bothered them the entire day.

"I wonder when this competition will end,"

Bernie tiredly sighed.

Confusion flashed on everyone's face as they stared into the distance.

Back then, everyone was so excited to break into the Fallen Divine Valley and look for the so-called great opportunities. Unexpectedly, they were trapped for a long time. Even now, they had to go through this terrible competition before they could even dream of leaving the valley alive.

"Forget it, Bernie. Don't think about pipe dreams.

For now, the most important thing for us is to work hard and win this competition,"

Otis softly coaxed.

"At this stage of the competition, people who're still alive are very cautious and wouldn't expose their whereabouts easily.

We have to get a move on to gather all the information we can get!"

Austin suggested.

"Austin's right. Let's move,"

Otis echoed and nodded in agreement.

At that moment, something unexpected caught them all by surprise.

"Stop! Go to hell!

We won't let you run away!"

Loud cries filled with arrogance echoed from afar.

"Something's wrong!"

Everyone in Austin's team quickly jumped into action and became alert the moment they heard the voice.

"Seems like two teams are fighting. One team is running away and the other is chasing them down.

Let's quietly wait on the side and wait for their fight to finish. We're going to take advantage of them at the end of their battle!"

Austin sent a message to his group through his spiritual sense.

All of them nodded in agreement.

As one, Austin and his companions quickly hid themselves. Once he was sure they were hidden well enough, he immediately communicated with the Earth Energy and set up several arrays that could hide his group.

Soon, two groups of people, one running while the other chasing, arrived at an area near their hiding spot.

About thirteen to fourteen people were desperately trying to escape. Almost all of them were bleeding profusely from various injuries.

Meanwhile, around thirty people were gleefully chasing after them like starving tigers and wolves.

There was a huge difference in the strengths between the two sides!

"Ha-ha! Go to hell! You can't escape!

Humph! We have to kill you today! Hyman already painted a target on your backs. No one can save you!

We wouldn't have bothered chasing you for an entire day and night if it were not for his order. This is really exhausting!"

A short fat man shaped like a white gourd let out loud laughter that reached them despite being at the very back of the rear team.

"What? Hyman! In ancient times, he was also a god of light. Never would I have expected that he would attack his own people. This is inhuman!"

A dignified man in purple robes let out various curses as he pushed his legs to run even faster.

"What? That's Keysley!

He's one of Heavenly Court's twelve great divine generals!

I didn't expect that he'd be here!

Not to mention those with him...

Austin, almost half of those being hunted are gods of light from the three thousand big and small worlds!

All of them are our friends!

We have to save them!"

Fear filled the message Otis sent to Austin through his spiritual sense. Even his expression crumpled when he recognized his friends.

"I see!

Then we're definitely saving them!

We can launch a sneak attack!"

Although his eyebrows furrowed at the situation, Austin still managed to give a calm suggestion and signal to them with a nod of his head.

"Everyone, get ready!"

Otis called out to the others through their spiritual senses. As one, they all pulled out their magic treasures or weapons and activated their skills one after the other, preparing themselves to make a sudden attack.

At the same time, Austin communicated with the Earth Energy to make wisps of Earth Energy rise. A mysterious atmosphere filled the air in an attempt to cover up everyone's breathing and aura.

With the improvement in his Earth Exploring Technique's cultivation base, Austin could now use all kinds of omnipotent skills proficiently.

All of them waited with bathed breath!

Ten miles! Five miles! A single mile!


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