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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3483

"I'm afraid... they have been killed." The medium-grade divine god struggled to say the word as his face turned pale with fear.

He was utterly terrified by Hyman's roar.

Hyman was one of Alston's capable and trusted men. He held great power and influence over them.

"Good! Humph! I'd like to see which team would be foolish enough to challenge us.

Use the contacting stone immediately to find out where Madison and the others were attacked. We'll be there soon."

Hyman's blood boiled with anger and fury as he uttered those words.

"Yes sir!" the medium-grade divine god quickly responded.

He then hurriedly activated the contacting stone.

"About two hundred and fifty miles to the northeast!"

the medium-grade divine god said.

"Come on! Let's get going,"

Hyman said with a wave of his hand.

"Hyman, how about we give Alston an update on what happened?"

the medium-grade divine god suggested after hesitating for a moment.

"Humph! There is no need to bother Alston with such a trivial matter. I can handle this.

I have already refined a chaotic magic treasure. No matter who goes against us, I will take care of them myself.

If they get killed, I will just recruit more men to take their place.

No one in their right mind will refuse to join Alston's team," Hyman snorted.

He grabbed the thick spear and headed northeast with his members following behind.

Meanwhile, Austin and Otis, along with their team members, were looking for Hyman and his men.

As the two parties searched for each other, the distance between them grew closer and closer.

Time ticked by.

They were now thirty miles away from each other when

Austin paused in his tracks.

"Something is going on," he murmured.

Austin unleashed his spiritual sense to perceive the space in front of him. At the same time, he stamped the ground, and several massive earth dragons underground quickly moved forward.

He was using the earth dragons to know the situation from a distance.

The earth dragons were formed using the energy of earth as they traveled underground. It was almost impossible for people who were oblivious to the Earth Exploring Technique to spot them.

Upon seeing Austin pause, his team members also stopped on their tracks.

Soon, the earth dragons came back and filled Austin in on what was ahead of them.

"There is a group of more than forty people. I assume that it is Hyman and his men,"

Austin said.

"We are outnumbered. There are only twenty six of us.

Once we engage, we will be at a disadvantage. Moreover, Hyman had already refined a chaotic magic treasure. He is difficult to deal with,"

Keysley said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Master Keysley.

I will set up some geomancy arrays to help us against them.

Plus, they don't know that we're here. We'll use the arrays to launch a surprise attack and easily take out some of them.

As for Hyman, let me deal with him."

Austin had a confident look on his face.

"You're going to deal with Hyman by yourself?"

Keysley was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what he heard.

"Ha-ha! Give Austin more credit, Keysley. He has some tricks up his sleeves. Even if he fails to defeat Hyman, he will not be killed,"

Otis reassured him.

Ever since Otis met Austin, he was well aware of the young man's real powers. Combining that with Austin's resourcefulness and luck, he believed that he would surely survive anything that came in his way.

"All right, then. Be careful, Austin.

I feel ashamed that we have to rely on a junior like you in order to deal with him,"

Keysley said with a sigh.

"Ha-ha! Don't feel too bad.

You'll get used to it as long as you spend more time with Austin.

Look at me. I'm used to it,"

Otis said with a hearty laugh.

Austin released his spiritual sense along with his Earth Energy in order to scan the nearby terrain.

In just a few moments, he already memorized every nook and cranny of the nearby area.


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