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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 352

The warriors of the Bloody Hero Gang, headed by Carter, followed the voice. Fury flashed in their eyes.

Austin tilted his head to look at the young men.

They were about 20 years old, fair-skinned, mostly at the medium stage of the Earth Realm.

Almost everyone in the group was swollen with inordinate arrogance.

"Oh, they are the disciples of the Peripatetic Sect," Austin muttered to himself.

"Well, I know you are strong, but you are not strong enough to occupy all the top three slots. Do you really think there is no other talent in the Violet Orchid Empire apart from you?"

Even the warriors of the Bloody Hero Gang feared the members of the Peripatetic Sect.


A young man belonging to the Peripatetic Sect laughed disdainfully.

"Since ancient times, the Peripatetic Sect has been the most powerful in the Violet Orchid Empire. If you don't believe me, just wait and watch!"

Austin's brow furrowed as he listened to their conversation.

He thought to himself, 'All the outstanding warriors from every famous sect will attend the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games, so the competition must be very fierce. It won't be so easy to defeat all the young talents in the Violet Orchid Empire and make it to the final three.

I'm strong enough as I have reached the premium stage of the Earth Realm at such a young age, but the young geniuses of other sects can't be underestimated. I have to look before I leap.'

In addition to the young men of the Peripatetic Sect, there were also other warriors from other sects in the tavern. Soon after the Peripatetic Sect and the Bloody Hero Gang quarreled with each other, the disciples from other sects also kicked up a rumpus because they supported different candidates, so the tavern was full of noise.

However, the imperial capital city was governed by strict law, so the warriors didn't dare to fight with each other, but still parted in discord.

Austin silently ate all the dishes on the table. He patted his stomach and felt half full. He got up, paid the bill, and left.

It was evening when he left the tavern.

The rosy dawn was like a dream, and the starlight was like a poem.

Warriors from different places were rowing on the lake, talking cheerfully with each other.

Mists and waves stretched far into the distance. Beautiful girls were singing merrily and dancing gracefully, entertaining their guests.

But Austin was not interested in such debauchery.

He took out a note from his pocket, on which there was an address.

It was from the teenager that Austin had met in Peace Town. He had asked Austin to assist him in the imperial capital city six months later.

That was why Austin had come to the imperial capital city. He asked passersby about the address and once he was satisfied, he strode away in the direction that had been pointed out to him.

Before long, a large palace-like building came into view.

Hundreds of stone steps led to its brilliantly illuminated hall. From the bottom of the steps, one couldn't see the scene in the hall.

Many ancient trees were planted along the steps, making the hall look imposing as ever.

Austin couldn't help but wonder, 'What a splendid house! That teenager must have blue blood.'

"Stop! How dare you burst in without approval?"

A guard shouted just as Austin was about to walk in.

He stopped, conjured a token in his hand, and showed it to the guard.

The guard was struck with awe at the sight of the token. He couldn't help the quiver in his voice, "I'm so sorry that I didn't recognize you, my lord. Please wait a moment. I'll go in to announce your arrival."

Austin was surprised that

the token was so useful. The guard had addressed him respectfully as "my lord" at the sight of it.

A moment later, a middle-aged man came out. Austin remembered that he had been following the teenager in Peace Town the last time he saw him.

"You've come just at the right moment. I was going to send someone to Peace Town to invite you here. And now you're here! This is great. Please come in."

Austin was a little embarrassed at the middle-aged man's politeness.

"I had promised you, so I had to keep my word," Austin said with a smile.

He thought, 'This mansion is like a prince's palace. It is unique, resplendent, and magnificent.

The teenager who invited me must have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth.'

Austin followed the middle-aged man down the steps.

The moment he entered the gate, a number of attics, towers, pools with rockeries, and pavilions greeted him.

A sweet smell assailed his nostrils as a group of beautiful young girls passed by them. As they caught sight of the middle-aged man and Austin, they knelt on both knees to show their respect and greeted them coquettishly.

So many things came into sight that Austin's eyes were kept fully occupied. He expressed his amazement and wonder. "It seems that you live a rich life in the imperial capital city," he said.

"Ha-ha! It's nothing, young man," the middle-aged man said with a faint smile.

"If you serve my young master loyally, I promise that you can also live this enviable life. You know, you will have money to burn, and your life will be a bed of roses.

Moreover, if my young master takes the throne, he will grant you whatever you wish."

When the middle-aged man talked about the battle to seize the throne, his bright eyes were brilliant with delight.

He took Austin to a delicate, elegant room. He said with a smile, "Young man, please take a break first. I'll prepare a dinner to welcome you."


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