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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3521

All the divine gods around the Fallen Divine Valley had already dispersed.

Trapped in the Fallen Divine Valley for a long time, most of the divine gods grew restless and longed to return to their homes. Therefore, upon regaining their long lost freedom, they rushed to return to their cosmoses.

Meanwhile, not too far off from there was a chaotic void, within it was a broken continent that was left abandoned for many years.

A large group of divine gods were collectively gathered in a place. The atmosphere was lively, with bright faces immersed in drinking.

The sounds of the clinking of glasses filled the air before they gulped down their wines in one shot.

"Freedom never felt so sweet!"

"I agree. Only after being trapped did we realize the true value of freedom!"

"From now on, let's put the Fallen Drive Valley behind us and move on. Let's start anew with a clean slate and a better life!"

Intoxicated with all the alcohol they consumed, the divine gods voiced out their inner thoughts and shared their joy.

At that time, Austin was preoccupied with observing the two restriction spells and three streams of energy in a corner of his Soul Sea.

The two restriction spells and three streams of energy seemed not worth a second glance after all.

However, Austin knew that the energy they contained inside them was nothing short of terrifying.

After all, it was the sky-devouring dog that had put them into his Soul Sea.

'Should I formally acknowledge the sky-devouring dog's master as my mentor?'

Austin collected his thoughts for a brief moment as he pondered over the situation.

"By the way, why aren't there any premium-grade divine gods coming out of the valley? Don't you think that's a little unusual?"

Otis spoke abruptly, interrupting Austin's train of thought.

"Yeah, you're right. It's been two days since we came out and stayed here. They should have made an appearance by now. I wonder what happened to them,"

Keysley said as he scratched his head in confusion.

"I thought if the premium-grade divine gods also come out of the valley, there was a chance we could find our people.

The most important task assigned to me, Austin, and Ingram was to locate and get a hold of Master Frost and Master Brain in the Fallen Divine Valley. However, we failed to find either of them.

It seems we're in a tough spot where our mission is doomed."

Tyrone hung his head loosely over his neck with a defeated expression on his face.

"Indeed. That's a shame.

That evil baby buried under the Karakoram Mountain on Earth is still in the hatching stage. Perhaps, the time when it will be born is drawing near.

Once it's born, it would bring about nothing but chaos and turmoil, and people would be forced to live in fear with no hope of escape.

Under such devastating circumstances, we need Frost's and Brain's assistance more than ever,"

Otis said as he let out a hopeless sigh.

'What the hell is going on here?

If those premium-grade divine gods participate in the competition in the Fallen Divine Valley, some of them would emerge victorious and would be permitted to leave.

Something doesn't feel right about this.

Maybe that sky-devouring dog knows what's going on. I should ask it directly if I want to know the reason behind all this.'

Austin separated himself from his companions and processed his scattered thoughts to come up with a counter to the situation at hand while listening closely to their discussion.

'That's it. It's decided. I'm going to confront the sky-devouring dog and see if I can manage to get any answers.'

Austin clenched his fists and strengthened his resolve as he made his decision.

Without a hint of hesitation on his face, Austin went ahead and boldly demanded answers from one of the restriction spells in the corner of his Soul Sea regarding his concerns about those premium-grade divine gods.

As the sky devouring-dog's voice echoed from inside that restriction, Austin was taken aback by surprise.

"I didn't organize a competition for those premium-grade divine gods.

Although I acknowledge their skills, the cultivation base they can reach is pretty limited.

To be precise, each of those premium-grade divine gods lacks the potential required to be a governing god,"

the sky-devouring dog spoke bluntly.

"I see,"

Austin responded as he paused briefly then continued, "Does that mean those premium-grade divine gods are going to be trapped in the Fallen Divine Valley for the rest of their lives?"

Austin asked giving in to his curiosity.

"If I don't let them out, they will spend the rest of their lives here,"

the sky-devouring dog replied again in a curt, yet monotonous voice.

'That sounds so cruel. Maybe if I try to convince it, it might release them. There's no harm in trying. I need to grab every opportunity I can.'

Austin remained quiet for a while as he collected his thoughts.

"Sir, I know some of those premium-grade divine gods in the Fallen Divine Valley.

In all honesty, the reason why I broke into the Fallen Divine Valley was to look for them.

So, could you please..."

Austin tried to pull out his sincerest voice as he spoke before hesitating for a bit.

"I see. I understand what you're trying to ask of me,"


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