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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 358

"Austin, you addressed me as Your Highness like other young cultivators, but you don't know who I am. Do you? I think now it's time to tell you. Austin, you might be aware that the current Emperor of the Violet Orchid Empire is Emperor Arthur. The Emperor has ten sons, and I am the youngest one. In the imperial capital city, everyone calls me 'Your Highness' when they see me."

"Hiss! Huh!"

Austin gasped uncontrollably. He couldn't believe that Reuben was the youngest son of the current Emperor. He was speechless.

It meant that the young man in front of Austin was actually a prince!

No wonder, Austin saw the houses, food, and furnishings all marked with luxury, dignity, and splendor since he stepped into Reuben's palace.

It was really a life of luxury and extravagance.

Austin soon regained his composure and continued listening to Reuben's story.

"Austin, now that you know my father is the Emperor of the Violet Orchid Empire, I wish to share a few things with you. Soon, one among his ten sons will succeed him as the sovereign of the Violet Orchid Empire.

And according to the royal family's rules, who among the princes will take the throne is decided by a battle. Only the one who wins that battle can become the true successor to the throne.

The directives of each battle for the throne are different, and specific directives are determined and laid out by the present emperor.

The directives of this battle were decided a year ago.

My father asked us–all the ten princes–to do everything we could to get to know and win over outstanding people under the age of 25, and make them our confidants.

Then, these confidants will be sent to participate in the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games held in the imperial capital city to compete for places in the top 50.

After that, the top 50 young people will go on a month-long test of treasure hunting in the Mysterious Nether World, which is controlled by our royal family.

When a prince's confidant finds the soul-recovering fruit in the Mysterious Nether World, brings it out and gives it to my father, that prince will be the winner of the battle for the throne.

To tell you the truth, Her Majesty, my mother, has a strange illness that has left her spiritually confused for years. Only the soul-recovering fruit in the Mysterious Nether World is the cure for her strange disease.

Therefore, the battle for the throne actually has two purposes: one is to decide on the successor of the throne, and the other is to cure the strange disease of Her Majesty."

Reuben briefed Austin about the causes and effects of what he had done till now.

If he wanted people to join him and work hard for him, first he had to treat them with complete openness and total honesty. Prince Reuben clearly had this message in mind. That was why he told Austin everything about his purpose.

Austin heard everything patiently and said, "Oh, I see! But there's one thing I don't understand, Your Highness.

Her Majesty has been suffering from this strange illness for a long time, and your royal family is in charge of the Mysterious Nether World. The royal family could have sent someone into the Mysterious Nether World to find the soul-recovering fruit, and bring it back to cure Her Majesty of the diseases as soon as possible.


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