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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3596

A few days passed.

"Master, most of the arrays that connect the evil baby and the outside world has been destroyed by us,"

Austin happily told Santos.


I guess the evil baby can no longer obtain energy from the outside world.

Without substantial energy supplies, the evil baby can't continue to grow to maturity.

I hope the birth of the evil baby can be averted,"

Santos said with a sigh.

"Master, does something concern you?"

Austin found that Santos appeared to be worried.

"I have thought of something. Maybe I am just overthinking.

Anyway, the task Parker assigned us has been completed. We can return to report now,"

Santos said.

So, Austin relayed a message to Parker.

A moment later, a teleportation power descended from the sky, and Santos and Austin were transported back to the base camp of the gods of light.

"Ha-ha, Master Santos, Austin, you two have achieved great contributions!"

In the base camp, all the gods began rejoicing when they heard that the connection between the evil baby and the outside world had been severed.

"Master Santos..."

Suddenly, Santos slipped into a fugue state. His eyes became blank as he stared at the void in a daze. No matter how the others called to him, he did not respond.


Austin's heart ached, but there was nothing he could do to help.

"Master Parker, is there any cure of my master's wound?"

Austin enquired.

"It's a difficult task. His spiritual soul has sustained a serious injury, and it was almost destroyed back then.

Over the years, I have spent volumes of time and energy, as well as many treasures related to healing and nourishing spiritual souls, so that he could recover even this much.

I'm afraid I can't completely cure him,"

Parker sighed.

Austin became somewhat disheartened. If even a powerful god like Parker couldn't do anything, what could Austin then do?

"If we can find the legendary soul-recovering soup, we can completely cure his wound,"

Parker advised.

"Soul-recovering soup?"

Austin asked, feeling overjoyed.


The soul-recovering soup is said to be the most precious treasure of the spiritual race. Even the spiritual tree, the spiritual dragon, and the spiritual bead, known as the sacred treasures of their race, cannot be compared to its worth.

However, I have asked many masters of the spiritual race over the years, but none of them knew if the soul-recovering soup even existed or not.

Perhaps only the core members of the spiritual race can answer that question.

It's a moot point though as it's too difficult to obtain the soul-recovering soup.

It's even possible that the soul-recovering soup is merely a myth to begin with!"

Parker sighed.

"Soul-recovering soup..."

Austin repeated the name in his mind several more times and swore to himself that he would go to the spiritual race to find it and heal Santos.

"Well, Austin, you and Santos must be tired. Go home and get some rest,"

Parker suggested.

After saying farewell to the gods, Austin returned to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.


As soon as Austin returned to the starry sky in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos, Caroline sensed him and instantly rushed up, appearing in front of him. She immediately hugged him.

Ivy and Sue also appeared then.

The three beautiful women and Austin hugged each other in the starry sky.

Caroline, in particular, had been missing Austin so much for a long time.


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