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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3611

A great sense of relief washed over Austin when he had finished with the broken natural element array.

What was more, he didn't need to worry about his parents and his brother as he had found them.

He turned and took a step forward, instantaneously returning to the Karakoram Mountain as he did. He then leapt up and dived down into the ground.

In the demon world, ten young members of the beast race sang old songs as they danced around the evil baby in a crazy ritual.

Colorful flags emitting a demonic aura fluttered in the air.

The evil baby sat cross-legged on the alter, the violent evil energy whipping and whistling around him loudly.

Austin felt that the evil baby was growing stronger by the second.

He stared at the baby

and the baby sensed his gaze.

He rapidly opened his eyes and stared back at Austin from a distance.


An extremely formidable force of supreme enlightenment law shot out from the evil baby's eyes and came at Austin.

It caused a chill to run down his spine as if someone had poured ice-cold water down his back.

Even his spiritual soul froze.

Startled, Austin took a step back.

The evil baby sneered at him more than once.

He then closed his eyes again and fell back into meditation.

The evil baby's movements did not go unnoticed by those young beast race members around.

They were all on alert now

and turned to glare at Austin with daggers in their eyes.

"Humph! Austin, how dare you harass the evil baby?

I'm warning you. You'd better not think of playing any games,"

Prince Ace said threateningly.

"There'll be no one to save you if you piss off the evil baby,"

Prince Beasley remarked with a playful smirk.

They both thought Austin was attempting to stop the evil baby from entering the world.

Even people from the underworld and the Divine Corpse Palace stared at him with forewarning burning in their eyes.

"Watch yourself. The evil baby is not to be disturbed. If you do anything stupid, I will crush you down to nothing but powder,"

said an icy voice from the crowd of the underworld.

"Why don't you show me what you've got!"

Austin replied in challenge.

Prince Ace and Prince Beasley simply snorted in response, ignoring him and continuing with their ritual.

Austin turned and entered the divine world.


Ingram and Tyrone were overjoyed by the sight of him.

"How's everything going with the divine baby?"

Austin asked, fixing his eyes on the infant.

"It's going well. Everything is going well,"

Tyrone assured.

"That's great to hear. I guess it's getting closer to the time for the divine baby to come to the world,"

Austin responded.

He noticed the divine baby was enveloped in a tremendous energy and emitted a bright golden light. He had grown considerably stronger since the last time Austin had seen him.

However, he could feel that the divine baby was still not as strong as the evil baby.

Suddenly, the divine baby, which had been sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, opened his eyes in a flash

and dropped his gaze on Austin.

He gave Austin a friendly smile as he looked on at him.

"Why is he doing that? "

Austin asked confused.

'The evil baby looked at me and now so did the divine baby.

It appears they still remember me, '

Austin thought to himself.

He assumed both babies must have memorized his aura since they had entered his body.

"Austin, am I dreaming? Is the divine baby smiling at you?" Ingram exclaimed in astonishment.

He and the others present were shocked by what they saw.

"That evil baby has been getting stronger and stronger. I believe he will be making his way to the world soon,"

Tyrone said frowning.

"I see. Everyone, ready yourselves for what is to come.

Those from the three forces have been doing everything they can to control the evil baby, since the moments the baby was born.

When they're in the heat of battle with each other, we'll look for the best opening and take the opportunity to get the evil baby,"

Austin said to his companions through his spiritual sense.


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