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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3615

"Damn! This can't go on like this! The Earth is on the brink of destruction!"

Austin was exasperated as he saw everything that was going on.

"This is no good! I must check the broken natural element array again!"

Austin then took out a handful of earthy yellow array flags and threw them in all directions.

These array flags darted so far away and landed in every corner of the planet.

At the same time, Austin also called forth the Kaleidoscopic Compass, and it immediately floated on his head.

Then, Austin made a formula to communicate with the Earth Energy, muttered some incantations, and finally stomped the ground with such force.

Immediately after, an energy wave containing the law of earth spread out from Austin's body and seeped into the soil.


Brilliant energy columns suddenly soared from various places on the surface of the planet.

As they stared at these energy columns, they looked like thousands of marvelous fireworks soaring in the skies.

It was the signal that the broken natural element array was now completely activated.

Endless energy and law fragments began rising from the depths of the earth and covered the surface of the planet.

Then, later on, the entire planet calmed down.

All of the violent shaking and cracking halted.

Even the fissures that already existed before this chaos were self-repairing and disappearing.

Eventually, everything returned to normal.

"What just happened? Is it over? Everything has finally calmed down!"

All of the living beings on Earth were shocked to their core. They hadn't experienced anything like that before. At the same time, they also felt lucky to have survived from what seemed like the end of the world.

Soon after, radio, television stations and the entire Internet were flooded with news and articles about the strange things that just happened.

In just a few moments, it caused a worldwide sensation.

Everyone was trying every means just to find out what had really happened.

"Thank goodness! The broken natural element array is working!"

Austin exclaimed as he felt a heavy feeling was removed from his chest.

Meanwhile, the three other groups that came to Earth were still fighting each other. The members of the beast race, the underworld, and the Divine Corpse Palace continuously released violent divine energies, like raging waves that spread in all directions.

These terrifying divine energies could actually tear a planet or a star apart.

However, at this moment, powerful defensive energies enveloped Earth, dissolving all the divine energies that they were leaking.

Even this vicious battle among divine gods couldn't have much effect on the planet.

"This is strange."

The three groups of divine gods immediately found out that their surroundings were in a rather odd situation.

They clearly knew that once they fought all out, this planet would be crushed and utterly destroyed.

But even after they battled, the powerful defensive power produced by the planet withstood the ferocious energies that they had been releasing.

They all felt that the planet suddenly became so rigid that even if they deliberately attacked it, they would have a hard time destroying it.

However, it didn't really concern them because their focus was none other than the evil baby.

Although they felt surprised by what was going on with the planet, they just chose to ignore it.

"Do you really want to die? Get out of the way at once!"

A master from the Divine Corpse Palace suddenly threw out a white shroud. As he waved it, the shroud instantly turned into a white bridge that extended towards the evil baby.

From this bridge, countless souls of divine gods emerged. They were densely packed and they started using their powers to lift the bridge.

In a flash, the small white bridge directly pierced against time and space, breaking through the limits of reality and entering the cycle of time.

Fragments of the past and the future became visible as the white bridge continued to expand towards the evil baby.


Several creatures that were trying to block the bridge were blown away and were seriously injured.

"The Divine Corpse Cloth!"

The members of the beast race and the underworld were all taken aback as they recognized the omnipotent magic treasure.

It was the ultimate magic treasure of the Divine Corpse Palace, the Divine Corpse Cloth.

It was said that this piece of cloth was very powerful and it was specially designed to restrain mighty divine gods.

Unexpectedly, the Divine Corpse Palace would use this ultimate magic treasure in order to obtain the evil baby!

After releasing the Divine Corpse Cloth, the master from the Divine Corpse Palace rushed and landed on the bridge. His long gray hair flew in the wind as he dashed towards the evil baby at full speed.

His eyes showed his determination to complete their mission. He was one of the greatest talents from the Divine Corpse Palace and rose to the occasion by showing his might.

"Where do you think you're going?!"

Ace and Beasley roared at the same time to stop the master from the Divine Corpse Palace.


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