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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3661

Before long, a ferocious beast broke its way through the crowd.

"Listen up, creatures of the three thousand big and small universes. I have in front of me an order from Lord Marlon.

As of today, all representatives must travel to Beast City to show their respect to Lord Marlon.

The three thousand big and small universes will be under the control of Beast City forever!"

the beast read from the decree with demonic law that it held in its giant claws.

Its voice had a special penetrating power, spreading through each cosmos and even some small worlds in the three thousand big and small universes.

"No way!

It's ridiculous. Go back and tell him that the three thousand big and small universes will never belong to him.

Is he qualified to rule the three thousand big and small universes? As if!

Get out!"

yelled a voice from deep within the three thousand big and small universes.

A moment later, Divine Swordsman and Santos slowly appeared. They stood in the chaotic void of the three thousand big and small universes and glared at the emissary of the beast race.

"How dare you!

How dare you disrespect Lord Marlon? You will be punished,"

the emissary of the beast race shouted angrily.

"What big words you have. Unfortunately, you can't show off your power here.

I'll teach you a lesson,"

Santos said coldly.


A yellow energy column emerged from the chaotic void of the three thousand big and small universes and rushed towards the emissary of the beast race.

The energy column was very thick and was moving as fast as a train.


When it hit the emissary, its body exploded. Flesh and blood rained down.

"Ah! How dare you! I'm going to report this to Lord Marlon. Our army will come here and your weak universe community will be brought down."

Within a few minutes, the emissary of the beast race had reassembled its body and reappeared in the void in the distance. Its body was covered with blood and hanging off in places.

"Fuck off!

If you don't, I'll hit you again,"

Santos threatened.

The emissary of the beast race cowered at his words.

If it was hit again, it would die here.

Therefore, the emissary didn't speak another word. Instead, it turned into a demonic light and flew far away.

"Just wait!"

it called out after it was a safe distance away.

Divine Swordsman, Santos, Parker, Alethea, Frost, Oswald, Brain, and the other masters stood in the chaotic void of the three thousand big and small universes and watched it leave until it was nothing but a small speck.

Everyone looked worried.

"It looks like Marlon is fed up with the three thousand big and small universes. Sooner or later, he will attack us,"

Parker said.

"That's right.

Over the years, Marlon has painstakingly nurtured the evil baby in the three thousand big and small universes.

He lost it and now Austin has it in the Fallen Divine Valley where Marlon cannot access it.

In order to get revenge, he will take it out on the three thousand big and small universes.

We're going to get the brunt of it.

This time, Marlon sent an emissary to check the situation of the three thousand big and small universes. Next time, I imagine it will be much worse."

Alethea frowned.

"And not to mention the Divine Corpse Palace, the underworld, and the Novel Court. They have also suffered losses in the three thousand big and small universes, and they will fight back.


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