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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3670

"The laws in the world are basically classified into different levels.

The lowest level is the law of cosmos. This just indicates that every cosmos has its own law, but the laws still vary in different cosmoses.

Now, above the law of cosmos is the law of supreme enlightenment.

Simply put, it is the law that exists in the chaotic void.

For example, you could perceive the law of supreme enlightenment as you traverse the Sea of Chaos.

It could also be said the every law of cosmos is derived from the law of supreme enlightenment flourishing in the chaotic void.

Lastly, above the law of supreme enlightenment, there exists the original chaotic law.

This one prevails in the chaotic vacuum.

Just like how the law of every cosmos is derived from the law of supreme enlightenment, the law of supreme enlightenment is created from the original chaotic law that can be found in the chaotic vacuum,"

the statue elaborated in detail.

"I see. I never thought that it would be so systematic.

So, from the lowest level to the highest one, there is the law of cosmos, the law of supreme enlightenment, and the original chaotic law.

The law of cosmos is the one that exists and is responsible for enriching every cosmos.

While the law of supreme enlightenment flourishes in the whole chaotic void.

Then lastly, the original chaotic law is the one existing in the chaotic vacuum, which is also the purest and most primitive space.

Did I get that right?"

Austin asked as he tried to remember everything that his master told him.

"Yes, very good. Now, things should be a little bit clearer to you.

It must come as a shock to you, but most cultivators in the world don't understand these laws and their hierarchy,"

the statue remarked.

"Ha-ha. I need to believe that because I am one of those cultivators. But now, I finally understand this topic. Thanks for your explanation, master,"

Austin responded with an awkward smile as he lightly scratched his head.

"Generally speaking, the creatures that were below the divine level can only sense and cultivate the law of cosmos.

As one breaks through and becomes a divine god, he can now perceive and cultivate the law of supreme enlightenment.

But only when someone became a governing god will he be able to feel and cultivate the original chaotic law.

However, you are an exception. Because of your Chaotic Heaven Body, you will be able to sense the original chaotic law even if you are still at the lower stages of being a divine god,"

the statue added.

"So, does that mean that those advanced laws that I just felt earlier are actually the original chaotic laws?"

Austin's eyes lit up as he asked.

"Yes, they are.

You have to remember that the original chaotic law is the most elementary and original law of all. It is the source of all the other laws that are existing in the world.

And from now on, you can start cultivating it.

This is one of the most important benefits that you can acquire from your Chaotic Heaven Body.

Of course, the Chaotic Heaven Body still has a lot of wonderful things to offer. For example, from now on, even if your physical body is completely destroyed in battle, or even if your spiritual soul is broken, as long as there is still a strand or fragment remaining from your spiritual soul, you can still gradually gather your energy back and revive after a while.

In short, you now almost have an indestructible and immortal body.

Unless your enemy totally destroyed every inch of your spiritual soul, you will not die.

But I'm warning you, that doesn't mean that you can be reckless too,"

the statue explained further.

"Yes, master. I understand!

That's awesome!"

Hearing this information, Austin was so thrilled that he couldn't stop his body from shaking.

He looked at his body in disbelief that he already achieved this stage.

It was incredible news for him. He felt that he was one step closer to achieving his ultimate goals.

"So remember, in the future, the most important thing is to ensure the protection of your spiritual soul, especially in dangerous battles.

As long as a part of your spiritual soul remained intact, you will survive.

With that, I will impart to you a secret technique called the Spiritual Bell Skill.

After you succeed in cultivating this secret skill, it will enable you to form a strong defensive power to safeguard your spiritual soul. With this skill, the spiritual tree, and the spiritual dragon, your spiritual soul will be safer than ever,"

the statue pointed out.

Immediately after, Austin received a message in his Soul Sea.

It was the Spiritual Bell Skill that his master was talking about.

"I really appreciate this, master!"

Austin said gratefully as he bowed towards his master.

"Once you have cultivated that skill, you may then enter the Sea of Chaos for further training.

Since you have just cultivated and possessed the Chaotic Heaven Body, it would be advantageous for you to spend your time there. That environment would aid you to further unlock and maximize the potential of your Chaotic Heaven Body.


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