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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3672

Austin activated the Reincarnation Token. Immediately he teleported himself and his companions away from the three thousand big and small universes.

The spatial coordinates of the chaotic void at the edge of the three thousand big and small universes had been recorded in the Reincarnation Token. With that information, Austin was able to teleport himself anywhere he wished.

After teleporting for several times in a row, they soon managed to put immense distance between themselves and the three thousand big and small worlds.

'This Reincarnation Token is really amazing.

It not only boosts teleportation, it also seems to have some other mysterious secrets.

At my current strength level, however, I still won't be able to discover all the secret powers of this token, '

Austin thought.

Since obtaining the Reincarnation Token, Austin's strength level had risen constantly. Indeed, he had now even become a god.

And, even as a god, he had yet to penetrate through all the mysteries of the Reincarnation Token. This reinforced his admiration of the precious item.

In fact, as Austin's cultivation base rose higher, he was more and more convinced that the Reincarnation Token was something truly extraordinary.

He felt a rush of determination to grow even stronger, vowing to himself that he would uncover all the secrets of the Reincarnation Token one day.

With that, he put away the Reincarnation Token, and took out an airship. He got onboard and motioned for his companions to join him, and they flew onward, continuing with their journey.

Inside the airship, Austin, Shepard and Fletcher discussed their options. After some consideration, they decided they would go first to the Black Cosmos.

They knew that Shepard's family and friends were in great danger.

Anyone associated with Shepard could fall into the hands of the beast race at any time.

Fletcher also wanted to return to the Ancient Mysterious Dragon Kingdom, in order to protect his hometown and join in the fight against the Demon City's army if necessary.

However, he understood that his concerns were less urgent in comparison to the more immediate danger faced by Shepard's family.

Since they had reached an agreement, the course of the airship was set for the Black Cosmos.

As they traveled, Austin observed their surroundings and saw that the Sea of Chaos had completely fallen into confusion and disorder. Everywhere, there was mayhem.

The Sea of Chaos was shrouded with dark clouds, and strong winds blew violently, while thunder rumbled and lightning crackled in the air. Wherever they looked, there were battles being fought as wars broke out.

Even as the most powerful forces engaged in warfare, trying to conquer enemy cities and increase their territories, the smaller communities in the Sea of Chaos also took the opportunity to wreak some havoc of their own.

While these forces were relatively weak, they were still ambitious. They did not attempt to fight the most powerful groups, but instead engaged in fierce battles with each other, seeking to establish dominion over weaker opponents.

Indeed, throughout the entire Sea of Chaos, various wars were being waged. There was no safe harbor anywhere.

The bloodshed was immeasurable. Countless creatures had lost their lives in the warfare.

Everyone in the Sea of Chaos felt that they were choking on the thick odors of blood and death.

Corpses floated in the chaotic void, as a testament to the viciousness and ruthlessness of the wars being fought.

"Ah, the consequence of angering the strong man are too severe,"

Austin sighed. He looked gloomily upon the tragic scenes of destruction and brutality.

'What is the meaning of anything when such a strong man can cause this kind of chaos?

Since he has no morals or values, he does not think twice about destroying the world.

I must work to become that powerful in the future. I must stand against other powerful beings like that strong man.

I will do it to avenge all the innocent victims who have died and suffered as a result of his actions.

I will also do it to prevent such evil from occurring again, and to prevent others from suffering the same fate, '

Austin thought. He swore to himself that the strong man who had caused such devastation in the Sea of Chaos would someday be held accountable.

Before leaving the Fallen Divine Valley, the sky-devouring dog had already described the situation of the Sea of Chaos to Austin in great detail.

Therefore, Austin knew why the Sea of Chaos had fallen into such a terrible state.

It was all because of those top masters.

The biggest culprit was Marlon. In order to vent his fury at losing the evil baby and his avatar, Marlon had sown discord throughout the Sea of Chaos.

Under Austin's steady guidance, the airship traveled on.

After several days, the passengers on the airship caught sight of a universe community in the distance.

Hundreds of cosmoses were floating across in the chaotic void, arranged in an orderly manner.

Each one emanated a unique and strong aura. Clearly, every single cosmos in this region was highly powerful.


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