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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3709

"That looks like an army from the Novel Court!" the white-haired premium-grade divine god told Austin.

It wasn't only he who had seen through the distance. The divine gods of the Blue Ocean Universe Community also realized that these troops were not from the Beast City, but from the Novel Court.

"Yes, they are indeed from the Novel Court,"

Austin responded with a nod.

He was looking into the distance and hundreds of divine gods from the Blue Ocean Universe Community were standing beside him. Together, they themselves were no less than an army.

A moment later, the troops finally arrived nearer to them.

Austin gazed into the distance

and saw a multitude of people coming his way, gradually drawing closer.

They were divided into several groups of soldiers, all of whom were riding on tall battle horses. Their armors were made of pure copper, which Austin sensed was at the divine level. Some of them were holding halberds, and some used tridents. Their weapons and armors glittered with a cold luster.

Each rider was more powerful than the other, and there was a fierce, fearless look on their faces that showed their dedication and loyalty.

In addition to those riders, there was also a group of creatures enveloped in robes of a variety of colors.

Some were clad in purple robes, some in black robes, some in yellow robes, and some in red robes.

Initially, Austin thought that the colors were arbitrary but then he realized that the color of the robe also represented the status of the creatures.

These creatures were all mages of various level from the Novel Court.

It was well known that enchantments were a special kind of martial arts culture that was practiced almost exclusively in the Novel Court.

Those cultivators who had mastered these enchantments and magic were called mages.

In reality, these so-called enchantments were nothing but a clever utilization of various laws.

In layman's terms, the mages were incredibly talented at using the law power, and not exactly magicians.

These knights and mages comprised of the main force of the Novel Court.

In addition to this main force, there were also a large number of divine gods that were marching along on either side of the army.

Austin unleashed his spiritual sense to check the strength of his enemy.

To his surprise, there were five premium-grade divine gods among the Novel Court's troops.

It would have been sort of okay if it stopped there. But apart from these five, there were over a hundred medium-grade divine gods and easily over a thousand preliminary-grade divine gods.

Austin looked around and sensed that the strongest one was a tall old man clad in a white robe.

He had blue eyes and a hooknose. His gaze was as sharp as knives, and his natural appearance was somehow dangerous to look at.

Austin also realized that the white-robed elder was also the one who had stared at him earlier.

He was a premium-grade divine god.

Austin could feel clearly that this elder was far stronger than the premium-grade divine gods of the beast race he had confronted.

'That's a powerful army!'

Austin remarked to himself as he looked at the huge troop drawing closer.

'No wonder that the Novel Court, the Beast City, the Demon City, and the underworld managed to rule the entire Sea of Chaos in the past.

They are indeed powerful, ' he mused.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The troops of the Novel Court marched forward. As they drew nearer, the soldiers grabbed their weapons and magic treasures, ready to engage in battle as soon as the order came. An intensive atmosphere enveloped the entire space where they were standing.

Together, the army was so large that it crowded hundreds of millions of miles of the chaotic void. Had it not been for the murderous will of the troop, this would have been a hauntingly beautiful scene.

"They are so strong!"

The divine gods who were standing next to Austin couldn't help trembling slightly. A chill crept up their spines.

'This army is way too powerful.

They can raze the Blue Ocean Universe Community to the ground very easily, ' they thought to themselves with knitted eyebrows.

"Leader Austin, the army of the Novel Court is too strong.

I'm afraid we'll be no match for them!"

Enoch whispered to Austin with a worried look on his face.

"He is right. How about we retreat right now?

We are ridiculously outnumbered. If we engage, we will definitely lose."

The white haired premium-grade divine god also seconded the idea and proposed to Austin.

"In any case, what are your orders? We will do whatever you ask,"

Ismail said loudly.

Although he was short tempered, he was also upright, stubborn, and loyal.

After he had been defeated by Austin, he had begun looking up to the young man and would now follow his orders without any hesitation.


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