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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3711

"Brat! You're being too arrogant!"

The man in purple robes was fuming in anger.

As a premium-grade divine god, he could not accept the fact that he was being looked down upon by a mere preliminary-grade divine god. He was never humiliated like this in his whole life.

In a fit of rage, he launched a barrage of attack towards Austin.

Crash! Boom!

He made some gestures with his hands, and immediately, the magic staff and the purple crystal ball in his hands burst out violent energies. The abundant energies were sending out dazzling lights that dashed towards Austin.

"Ha! Come at me!"

Instead of avoiding the attacks, Austin rushed forward and intercepted everything that was thrown at him.

Crash! Boom!

Austin's moves were pretty simple and straightforward. He started clenching his fists and activated the chaotic energy of the five secret realms in his body. As Austin waved his fists, they contained terrifying earth-shaking energies.

As the man in purple robes sent his barrage of attacks, Austin answered them with his own set of strikes using only his fists.

Every time he threw a punch, the space surrounding them collapsed in by inch.

Crash! Bang!

After several exchanges of blows, the magic staff and the purple crystal ball of the man in the purple robe were thrown far away.

"What? No!"

All the attacks and weapons of the man in the purple robe were rendered useless in the face of Austin's power. With this, he finally felt a crippling fear permeating his skin.

No matter what kind of powerful secret skill he used, Austin just brushed them off.

They didn't even hurt Austin at all. These skills were crushed by Austin's fists even before they reached him.

"Is that all you can do?

Now, it's my turn!"

Austin didn't want to waste time with him, because there was still a stronger opponent he was supposed to face.

With that, Austin's bodily movement began to greatly speed up.

Even before the man in purple robe could react, Austin, like a ghost, suddenly appeared in front of him.

In the earlier rounds, Austin had just fought him with his physical strength.

This was actually the first time that he displayed his astonishing bodily movement skill.

Crash! Splat!

With a grin on his face, Austin swiftly retracted his arm and let out a massive punch towards the man in the purple robe. It was too fast and furious that his opponent wasn't able to dodge or even put up his arms. In an instant, the man in the purple robe exploded harshly, his blood and flesh splashed in all directions.

Austin's maximum speed could not be even tracked by the naked eye.

The man in purple robes had never expected that Austin could move that fast because he didn't use it earlier. He was caught off guard, and that cost him his life.

Even Willis was astounded. When he realized that the man in the purple robe was in grave danger, it was already too late to save him even if he took action immediately.

With just a single punch, a premium-grade divine god died in the hands of Austin.

In the chaotic void, the broken limbs and ripped flesh of the man in the purple robe floated everywhere. His blood flowed and formed a dark-red river.

In this blood river, a flash of dark-colored lightning was appearing now and then.

Even just the energy contained in the blood of premium-grade divine gods was bewildering.

After being killed, the flesh and blood that were left behind were enough to form a mountain and a sea.

But what stunned the creatures, who witness the scene, was how a preliminary-grade divine god was able to effortlessly slaughter a premium-grade divine god.


The priest in white roared through gritted teeth as he stared at the pitiful state of the divine god that Austin had just killed.

"You impertinent brat! I will kill you!"

The priest wasn't able to control his rage and quickly rushed to attack Austin.

Crash! Boom!

He then stretched out his five fingers that looked like burnished hooks. Instantly, five beams of divine lights flew out, trapping the entire chaotic void where he and Austin were. Countless chains of the law of the supreme enlightenment began to fall from the void in an attempt to ensnare Austin.

In just a couple of seconds, Austin realized that this priest's power was on another level.

As soon as he made the attack, the chaotic void began trembling violently.

Endless chaotic windstorms, chaotic thunderbolts, and large-scale spatial turbulence occurred simultaneously.

Even the army of the Novel Court kept on retreating backward from where the priest and Austin were battling to avoid getting caught up with the power.

"All of you, I'll transport you into my spatial treasure!"

Seeing that he couldn't underestimate the power being displayed by the priest, Austin gave a heads up to the divine gods of the Blue Ocean Universe Community.

There was a huge chance that they were also going to be caught up with their battle.

And Austin wanted to make sure that no one from them would die needlessly.

After saying that, Austin waved his hand and released a teleportation power, sending all of the divine gods of the Blue Ocean Universe Community into the continent that he had created.

"Leader Austin, please be careful!"

the white-haired premium-grade divine god shouted just as before Austin transported them.

When they were out of the way, Austin turned to the priest with fiery eyes and said, "Old man, do you think this is enough to bring me down? You gotta try a little harder!"

Austin sneered and rushed forward, ready to have an all-out battle against Willis.

This time, Austin didn't hesitate to unleash his true strength.

He knew full well that petty tricks wouldn't work on the priest, and he needed to give his all if he wanted to defeat him.

With that, he used all kinds of secret skills from the start, including his trump cards.


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