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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3718

The white-haired premium-grade divine god, Ismail, and Enoch all rushed out of the Infinite City merging with a group of people from the Blue Ocean Universe Community, and altogether they fought the army from the Novel Court.

Of course, the strength of the Blue Ocean Universe Community was inferior to that of the Novel Court.

However, the situation was different with Austin on their side.

Austin alone had killed most of the army of the Novel Court, which made all the enemies tremble in fear of him.

His attacking speed was too fast and strange, making it difficult for his opponents to catch up.

One moment, he was at the enemies' left side; the next second, he was at their right side. Then, before the enemies could even react, he had moved to either their front or backside.

Three Austins, three majestic dragons, and more than twenty deities, each of them was like a ghastly demon crawling out of hell. Whichever way they passed, groups of people got instantly killed.

No matter how strong or weak, none of the enemies could withstand Austin's dreadful attack.

It could be said that at this time, the army of the Novel Court was in chaos.

The morale of the army had indeed been shaken!

Yes, there were a lot of soldiers from the Novel Court.

By a rough and quick calculation, Austin figured there were at least billions of them!

They were like a vast sea spreading wide with no boundaries.

It was impossible for him to get rid of them all in just a short time.

However, the soldiers' morale was quite important in determining the result of a battle.

Once the morale of an army wavered, no matter how many prepared for battle, it would be useless.

Thus, the enemies' defeat wasn't that hard to foresee!

As time went by, more and more casualties occurred in the giant army. Fractionally, they started to get defeated.

Half of the one thousand divine gods in the lead had also been finished off by Austin!

There were still about three hundred to four hundred divine gods left!

However, the main fighting power of the army had been destroyed by Austin!


All retreat!"

Finally, the remaining divine gods couldn't hold on any longer and shouted an order to retreat.


The big army, like a sudden fall of tide, eventually backed out into the void at the distance.

"Kill them!"

Austin and the people of the Blue Ocean Universe Community opted to chase after the retreating enemies.

An hour later, the remnants of the army had already fled far away.

"Stop chasing them."

Austin waved his hand as he signaled his people to a halt.

In this battle, the army of the Novel Court suffered heavy casualties and forfeited in defeat!

All the people of the Blue Ocean Universe Community, including the divine gods and the ordinary soldiers, extremely admired Austin's might.

Excitement filled their eyes as they were overwhelmed with pride for having such a strong leader.

As if they couldn't contain their admiration, someone took the lead and proclaimed, "Leader Austin is invincible!"

All the remaining people gathered to surround Austin and repeated the same words confidently.

"Well, that was very impressive. I'm a little surprised myself."

In the Infinite City, a smile flashed on Flora's face while she nodded approvingly.

"He is as powerful as Trip,"

she commended.

Outside the Infinite City, Austin was surrounded by his people who all celebrated their victory with merrymaking.

All of a sudden, a loud booming sound echoed from afar.

Above Austin's head, in the depths of the chaotic void, a large number of dark clouds began to gather and surge. In a moment, the chaotic void was completely covered by a blanket of dark clouds.

Streaks of thick lightning struck and transformed into various dragons, emitting a devastating and horrifying aura as they wandered like crazy.

Aside from them, there were also a large number of thunder creatures forming a neat queue, appearing to prepare for a fight.

"The Thunderstroke Doom is coming!"

Austin shouted in shock.

After his recent period of training, he was about to make a breakthrough again.

"Leader, you will be breaking through to a new level!"


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