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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3731

"Aimee, are you sure this is the right way?"

one of the ice ladies asked, furrowing her eyebrows. They seemed to have lost their way, which made them anxious.

"Don't worry. I have found the clue left by Ice Queen.

I'm quite sure that this is the right way,"

Aimee replied firmly.

She was the most senior disciple in the Ice Palace, so she was especially trusted and valued by the chief of the Ice Palace—Ice Queen.

Out of the blue, something happened all of a sudden and it caught all of them off-guard.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In front of them, on the flat ice, There were countless explosions from deep below the ground, creating holes everywhere. Countless pieces of ice of all shapes and sizes now littered the area.


Hungry gigantic white beasts rushed out of those ice caves, crawling out of the massive holes as if seeking for the light. Their terrifying heads armed with deadly fangs and razor sharp teeth pointed to the sky

"Damn it! Those are evil ice apes!

They are extremely terrifying chaotic diabolic beasts!

Everyone, be careful! They are not easy to deal with!"

Aimee shouted to everyone.

The six of them stopped at the same time and looked vigilantly at the huge white beasts in front of them.

'The evil ice ape indeed looks very powerful, '

Austin thought to himself as he felt the beasts' murderous auras.

Just then, all nine tall and strong white evil apes lined up in front of them.

Their eyes were blood red, emitting a monstrous malicious aura, while their foul smelling saliva dripped from their mouths, making them look extremely bloodthirsty. They looked like they were about to snatch one of Austin's team for a quick snack.

Each one of them was as powerful as a medium-grade divine god!

What was worse was that

the ice field was their home turf. They had been living here for countless years and knew the environment very well.

Even from a good distance, Austin could sense that each evil ape's body was shrouded in some original chaotic law.

In this way, the fighting power of these beasts must be even more terrifying!

He assumed that even an ordinary medium-grade divine god could effortlessly be snapped into two, in front of them!

This could be owing to the fact that their attacks contained traces of original chaotic law related to ice and snow which made them stronger.

Already comfortable in their frozen home environment, these evil ice apes were obviously at an advantage in any battle.

"How could this be? We often came here to practice and train ourselves. And we only saw one or two evil ice apes at most.

But now, there are nine of them appearing at the same time, like a giant army. This is horrible and it has never happened before!"

Isis exclaimed in shock. She could not hide the worry and fear from her beautiful face.

She had already learned how terrifying the evil ice apes could become from her previous experiences.


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