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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3741

"It seems that someone has left!"

At this time, a genuine divine god of the beast race, who was guarding the entrance of the divine temple, sensed Austin's movement as he walked out the gate.

Without delay, the genuine divine god leaped into the air. He searched into a certain direction and trailed that way in silence.

At this moment, however, Austin had already stepped far away from the Ice Goddess Temple and reached a place covered in snow and ice.

Austin then focused deeply and decided to teleport Isis out.

Isis was released and could move as carefree as she wanted in the ice field. She was excited to be set out in the open.

Moreover, the environment of the ice field was good for her cultivation of martial arts.

"Austin, the people of the Beast City have taken control of the Ice Palace.

They are everywhere, strictly guarding the whole place.

What should we do now?"

Isis looked at Austin as she asked with a worried expression.

"It's okay. We can change our appearance.

Although the Ice Palace is under the control of the bastards of the Beast City, creatures from other places are still allowed to freely enter and leave.

We will disguise as creatures coming in from another world. As long as we keep a low profile, they wouldn't recognize us.

Besides, even if they see us, we can immediately leave without any problem. I'm confident in that. So, don't worry about it,"

Austin assured Isis in a comforting tone.

"Well, let's get going and leave this ice field first,"

Austin suggested as he motioned Isis to follow him.

Isis nodded in agreement.

They turned around and prepared to leave.

However, something unexpected suddenly happened this time.

Fierce wind began to blow violently from a distance, and ice and snow, resembling waves of seawater, rolled towards them like an avalanche from a high mountain.

"Ice storm! The ice ghost!"

Austin and Isis looked at each other in shock.

"Well, that's fantastic!"

Austin said as he suddenly flashed a smile.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

More intense ice and snow storms also blasted from other directions as chilly winds and hailstones brushed against their skin.

There were at least hundreds of tornadoes that were formed from the ice and snow all at the same time!

Ice and snow tornadoes whirled heavily and crazily, whistling and running about like wild monsters. They suddenly occupied the space between the heaven and the earth and dashed towards Austin and Isis with overwhelming momentum.

It was as if a large group of gigantic dragons rushed to attack two little ants!

"Austin, it looks like there are at least hundreds of ice ghosts. Hurry! Let's run!"

Isis's face turned pale as she convinced Austin to flee.

She knew that Austin had the strength to kill an ice ghost.

However, it was too dangerous to face hundreds of ice ghosts at the same time.

She didn't think that Austin could deal with so many ice ghosts simultaneously and would only have a slim chance of winning.

"Austin, there's no time to hesitate now. Come on, let's go!"

Isis urged with a much more frightened look on her face.

"Don't worry, Isis. Those ice ghosts are coming to us themselves. They are treasures.

It's a waste if we just go and leave them alone,"

Austin said calmly with a smiling face.


Isis was confused with Austin's strange words.

"Yes, there are hundreds of ice ghosts here. They are, in fact, full of energy that cultivators need. We cannot leave without making use of their energy. Do you understand now?"

Austin explained to Isis with patience.


Isis still seemed hesitant as she held her breath.

"It's okay. Don't worry. I can handle it,"

Austin consoled Isis confidently.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the blink of an eye, those hundreds of white tornadoes had already reached and surrounded them both.

A blistering cold pressed against their bodies, with showers of ice and snow falling on them from the air above.

"Watch out!"

Isis screamed in horror as her eyes widened.


Austin seemed composed and called the spell as soon as the white tornadoes approached.

Immediately, a huge stream of the law of ice and snow, raging like seawater, spread out leaving Austin at the center.


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