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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3744

"Winnie and I both carry the tokens of our family.

As long as we have the tokens with us and we are close in distance, we can sense each other.

We should probably travel to each of the cosmoses one by one to try our luck,"

Isis answered.

"Where were you before you got separated?"

Austin asked.

"I'm an ice lady, so I lived in the headquarters of the Ice Palace.

Winnie is not as talented as I so she is an outer disciple of the Ice Palace.

She was in a stronghold located at the Celestial Cold Cosmos,"

Isis said, looking at Austin with growing worry in her eyes.

"Well, then let's head for the Celestial Cold Cosmos first,"

Austin decided, nodding his head.

Isis led the way and Austin followed casually on her heels. After all, he didn't want to cause any more trouble.

The Celestial Cold Cosmos was a high-grade universe.

Originally, it had been a very important stronghold of the Ice Palace.

But now, it had been taken over by the beast race and it was overrun with their troops.

When they arrived near the Celestial Cold Cosmos, Austin and Isis flew into the sky.

From their position, they could see groups of people from the Beast City patrolling the sky.

Austin and Isis leapt into the void to hide.

"Okay. So I read them and the strongest on this cosmos is a premium-grade divine god. There are four or five of them in total,"

Austin informed Isis after he had unleashed his spiritual sense and scanned his enemies.

A few premium-grade divine gods couldn't pose a threat to Austin.

"Let's go and search. We need to be quick,"

Austin said.

Immediately after speaking, he activated his bodily movement skill and traveled through the cosmos to look for Winnie with Isis.

At the same time, he released his spiritual sense to scan the cosmos.

Isis also grabbed her token in her fingers and tried to detect her sister's presence.

Austin was so fast

that it only took him a moment to look everywhere in the cosmos, including all the stars and worlds.

However, he found no sign of Winnie.

"It looks like Winnie left the Celestial Cold Cosmos,"

Isis said in frustration.

"I hope she is safe and sound."

Isis held a worried look on her pretty face.

Deep in her heart, she worried about her sister in way that ached.

She was afraid that something bad might have happened to Winnie.

While Austin turned to try and say something to comfort her, a premium-grade divine god noticed them and raised his eyebrows.


There's two guys over there, sneaking around.

They are suspicious,"

he said.

There were five premium-grade divine gods from the Beast City on the Celestial Cold Cosmos in total and

the five of them had spotted Austin and Isis at the same time.

The way they were searching had attracted their attention.

They began to fly towards the two of them at a high speed.

"It looks like that those premium-grade divine gods discovered that we're here,"

Austin said with a sneer.

"Let's get out of here."

Austin rolled up his sleeve and prepared to leave with Isis.

"Hold on! It's them!"

Austin froze and stared.

He knew two of the premium-grade divine gods.

"I didn't expect to meet Baham and Silas here,"

Austin grumbled to himself.

They were the two leaders of the gods of darkness in the three thousand big and small universes, Baham and Silas.

The gods of darkness were creatures that also lived in the three thousand big and small universes.


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