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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3762

"You and the superior elders will be in charge of this array, okay?"

Austin said to the Ice Queen.

In truth, he could set up the array himself.

However, he also knew that it was important to teach the Ice Palace how to protect itself.


The Ice Queen nodded.

She knew that it was impossible for Austin to stay in the Ice Palace forever. Sooner or later, he would leave.

They must rely on their own strength and learn how to control this array.

An hour later, a troop from the army of the beast race came barging in the Ice Palace.

"Every creature from the Ice Palace, surrender and kneel before us!"

A divine god of the beast race stepped forward and ordered.

With the help of his terrifying demonic power, the raspy sound of his voice resonated all across the Ice Palace.

Everyone could tell that the soldier that came forth was powerful.

In fact, he was a preliminary-grade genuine divine god.

The powerful sound waves of his voice shook the entire universe community. It was about to cause cracks to appear everywhere.

While everyone was preoccupied with the powerful genuine divine god, the Ice Queen and the four superior elders of the Ice Palace finally made a formula to created some runes and send them to several array foundations.


Suddenly, the Grand Snow Array was activated and emerged from the void.

The array, shrouded in a violent snow storm, turned into a thick wall of ice which covered the whole Ice Palace.

The sound waves of the demonic power that were rushing over collided with the surface of the array, turning into breeze and soon dissipating.

"What?! What have you done?"

The genuine divine god of the beast race was caught off-guard.


What a weak array!

Do you actually plan to use this sorry excuse of a weapon to try and stop us here?

Keep dreaming!"

he said as he bellowed with laughter.

During this period of time, the Beast City had already conquered many universe communities in the Sea of Chaos.

Throughout their journey for domination, they encountered many kinds of arrays to try and stop them.

But they managed to defeat every single one that stood in their way.

"Humph! Have you beasts come here to court death?"

the Ice Queen said with a defiant tone.

"Tell me!

What tricks did you use to murder our eight genuine divine gods?

Tell us the truth, or every one of you will die by our hands!"

the genuine divine god of the beast race said coldly, belittling the Ice Queen.

"Humph! Scare us all you want, fiend!

The last group of beasts that came to the Ice Palace have all been killed.

Now it's your turn.

Every one of you that dare step inside our territory will pay for it!"

the Ice Queen sneered.

The two forces, the Ice Palace and the Beast City, were mortal enemies after the invasion.

Ever since then, they had always been at each other's throats.

It was as if an immovable object met an unstoppable force. They were destined to battle each other for all eternity.

"Go to hell!"

The genuine divine god of the beast race was completely infuriated.

"Kill them!

Kill them all!"

he shouted at his troops in anger.


Behind him, the mighty troop of the beast race shook the ground with each step as they began to move.

Like a raging tide, the army began to rush forward to the gates of the Ice Palace.

Columns of energy, magic treasures and secret skills attacked the Ice Palace with an overwhelming amount of power.

The scene was simply too horrifying.


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