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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3780

"Oh, what do you mean?"

Austin's voice softened. He lowered his guard a little, but he kept vigilant in case his victim did something unusual.

'If he can get me into the Land of Outlaw, I can spare his life, ' he thought.

He raised his eyebrows, checking if the genuine divine god from the beast race before him was telling the truth.

As if reading what was running on Austin's mind, he spoke out.

"Y-You have to trust me, young man. I was telling the truth when I told you I can help you get to the Land of Outlaw," his prisoner stammered.

Then, after a short pause, he added, "But you have to let me live."

He was desperate to escape this dilemma. Hence, he had to bait his captor with enticing promises to survive.

Austin thought about this proposition for a while. Eventually, he resigned and agreed to the creature's offer.

"All right, then. You have my word. As long as you can get me into the Land of Outlaw, I won't kill you.

Don't worry, I am a man of my word,"

Austin calmly stated.

"That's a deal!"

the member of the beast race exclaimed.

'As long as he doesn't kill me, I've got a lot of chance to escape from this young man.

Many masters of my kind will go to the Land of Outlaw too.

By the time we reach our destination, I don't have to be afraid of this brat!

If I get lucky, maybe I can have the pleasure of killing him. Right now, my goal is to stay alive, ' the beast race member figured.

The thought of this gruesome act made him smirk.

"Don't think about playing games with me.

Open your Soul Sea and let your spiritual soul accept whatever happens," Austin ordered.

He had been closely observing his prisoner. When he saw that the smirk form on his lips, he instantly knew that he had an ulterior motive behind this plan.

"What... what do you want? We had a deal! You told me you'd never lay a hand on me," the beast stuttered, aghast with Austin's request.

'Had he discovered my plan already' he thought. He paled in fright.

However, he would not easily let anyone enter his Soul Sea.

"Cut the crap and do as I say!

I will kill you if you don't follow my orders!" Austin shouted sternly.

He stepped on his prisoner hard.

The added pressure on the beast race member's body caused his bones to crack. The pain was unbearable that he screamed loudly.

"Are you breaking our deal that quick? Didn't you tell me you're a man of your word? Why the fuck are you hurting me now?" the member of the beast race angrily accused.

His voice was trembling, and sweat was breaking out on his forehead out of tremendous pain.

"Do as I say, and I won't kill you.

So stop resisting and follow my orders!" Austin snapped.

He enunciated his words intensely, so his prisoner could understand the gravity of his intentions.

Left with no other choice, the member of the beast race opened his Soul Sea. He had to—or else, he would die.

"Puppet Strings!"

Austin released thousands of red strings. Using his mind, he directed them into the Soul Sea of the member of the beast race.

"What the hell are these?" the member of the beast race shouted, freaking out.

He had a bad feeling.

But as soon as he was about to be tethered to it, he immediately recognized these crimson strings.



It's the Puppet Strings, a unique skill owned by the spiritual race.

Boy, you are a human. This shouldn't be possible!

How could you use the secret skill of the spiritual race?"

the member of the beast race asked, dumbfounded.

He continued, "Unfortunately, brat, it's pointless trying.

Although the Puppet Strings is amazing, it doesn't work on me.

I am a genuine medium-grade divine god.

You might be able to tame ordinary divine gods if you fully master the Puppet Strings.

But it's useless against genuine divine gods.

I'm a member of the beast race, so I am familiar with the spiritual race's secret skill.

After all, the spiritual race lives in an isolated alien space that is a subsidiary force of our race,"

the member of the beast race explained.

To Austin's dismay, he knew that his prisoner was right about the Puppet Strings.

Back then, he would avoid using the Puppet Strings against the divine gods, especially the genuine divine gods because it might not work on them.

Their spiritual souls were too powerful to control, and Austin was fully aware of that.

The Puppet Strings was not enough to control the divine gods.

Still, Austin wanted to give it a shot.

The reason was simple:

he had cultivated the Overlapping Law Skill.

This technique could be applied to all the martial arts skills, Including the ones related to the spiritual soul attacks.

The Puppet Strings was a skill related to the spiritual soul. Hence, Austin wanted to test what could happen if he combined an original chaotic law with the technique.

Thus, when Austin performed the Puppet Strings skill, he added the original chaotic law of snow which he had cultivated into the Major Achievement Stage utilizing the Overlapping Law Skill.


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