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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 379

One punch after another, Austin's fists relentlessly slammed and vigorously attacked Elder Xiao's vital energy armor.

Shrouded by power and energy that was never fading, the fists were like they were possessed by a mad demon, and they were delivering a barrage of punches on the armor continuously without any sign of ceasing.


Austin didn't know how many punches he had blasted. In the end, with a tremendous crash, Elder Xiao's vital energy armor suddenly blew up into pieces and scattered everywhere.

"No, bloody hell! I can't resign myself to this shameful failure! I cannot be killed by a junior boy! Damn it!"


Reinvigorated by the progress he was making on the armor, bearing no mercy, Austin poured all his strength and power into the fists and delivered the last potent punch, smashing Elder Xiao's flesh into a hundred tiny pieces. Instantly the smell of blood permeated the air as all the pieces exploded and fell to the ground, like a rain of blood and flesh.

Austin stood in the human flesh rain as pieces of flesh and broken bones clung to his body, like a man who had rushed from a cremation inferno after a fierce fight.


The two maidens gaped, utterly stunned at the one-sided fight in which Elder Xiao was continuously assaulted and could barely defend herself or strike back.

Their faces went pale and their blood curdled at the sight of Elder Xiao's imposing figure, ruthlessly reduced to nothing but smashed pieces of meat.

"I hope I didn't take you aback," Austin said his voice hoarse and laced with slight coughs as he walked towards the two maidens. He put the three corpse generals into the corpse nourishing bag and adjusted his clothes.

"You.. . You are so savage! I am freaked out."

The maiden in red said as she tapped her chest, her heart still beat and pumped as if it was trying to escape from her chest. She felt as if it was going to explode and still fluttered in fear. Her breasts quivered with lingering fear as if they wanted to be free from the doublet that bound them.

The other maiden in white also took a while to collect herself. Adrenaline still flooded her system and it was surging so fast she was nauseous, she could feel saliva thickening in her throat and beads of sweat trickling down her brow as she came to terms with Elder Xiao's death.

Austin knew better than to linger in this place for too long after he smashed Elder Xiao.

He immediately took the two maidens and left in a streak of smoke.

Half an hour later, a party of women came to the back alley where Austin and Elder Xiao had their epic battle.

Two of them who were in the lead came from the Flower Blooming Sect.

"Oh, shit, Elder Xiao, it seems she has suffered a misfortune!" one of them said, feeling ill at ease.

When they entered the alley, a petrifying scene met their eyes from every side, residual flesh and broken bones were scattered everywhere on the bloodstained ground. Judging from shreds of clothes, it was Elder Xiao's remains, it looked like she was murdered. . . . . .

Half an hour later, in a folk residence which was located in the western urban area of the imperial capital city.

Austin broke into its courtyard violently together with the two maidens.

"Who is it?"

A wary voice was heard, then out came a middle-aged man and appeared before Austin.

"Two maidens? And a young hero?"

The middle-aged man was known as Mike.

As soon as Austin entered the folk residence, he could sense two figures he was familiar with lurking around.


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