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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3816

"Are they all from the Heaven Beast Valley?"

Austin asked Sally in a flat tone.

"That's right.

Austin, don't worry. Since you have saved the three of us, they surely won't give you a hard time,"

Sally replied.

"Who knows?"

Austin responded.

He had a code to never harm others who did him no wrong. But if provoked, he wouldn't hesitate to fight back.

In this maze, Austin had faith in himself. Even if he confronted a genuine premium-grade divine god, he could run away unscathed.

That was why he kept his nerves when he saw the people from the Heaven Beast Valley approaching. He just stood there and put his hands behind his back.

Dozens of genuine divine gods from the Desolate River stood behind Austin in a humble manner.

"Hey, guys, I was looking for you.

Elder Osbert, you're here too. That's great!"

The three mermaids ran towards their companions excitedly.

Since they entered the maze, the three of them had been separated from the main forces of the Heaven Beast Valley, leaving them to explore the many dangers of the maze alone.

If they hadn't met Austin, the three of them would have been in grave trouble.

Thanks to him, they were now reunited with their people.

The group of the Heaven Beast Valley soon joined them.

The three mermaids were very popular among them. Everybody was swooned at their great personality and beautiful looks.

Immediately, many creatures of the Heaven Beast Valley came forward to meet them.

Most of them were young male creatures.

Austin immediately knew that these guys wanted to pursue the stunning ladies.

He then glanced around, and soon figured out the strength of the group from the Heaven Beast Valley.

Among them, there was a genuine premium-grade divine god, ten genuine medium-grade divine gods, and more than forty genuine preliminary-grade divine gods.

This team wasn't to be trifled with.

If he crossed paths with a team of their caliber in the outside world, Austin would flee without any hesitation.

However, things were different inside the maze.

So he stood there calmly with dozens of genuine divine gods of the Desolate River behind him.

'Who is this young man?'

The genuine premium-grade divine god of the Heaven Beast Valley wondered as he turned to look at Austin and his slaves.

He emitted a strong, commanding presence.

People who met his piercing gaze would feel like he could see right through their souls. Immediately Austin felt a great pressure against his shoulders when the middle-aged divine god stared at him.

The genuine premium-grade divine god studied Austin and his men for a distance.

'This human boy is just an ordinary preliminary-grade divine god. He is nothing but a weakling. But why is he so calm in front of me?

Never mind that, why would he be sent here in the first place?

He must be scary good.

I have never heard of such an extraordinary young man from the Desolate River.'

The divine god's mind was filled with thoughts as he saw how composed the young man was.

Since Austin was with the genuine divine gods from the Desolate River, he mistook him for coming from the same place.

"Uncle Osbert, it's him!

This is the loser that has been pestering Sally. He even had the nerves to attack me.

I almost died at his hands.

Uncle Osbert, we can't just let him go!"

Elijah's blood immediately boiled as soon as he laid eyes on Austin.

"Is my nephew telling the truth?"

the middle-aged man asked as he rested his sharp eyes on Austin.

An overwhelming amount of energy came out from his body and rushed towards Austin.

When Austin saw this coming from a mile away, he manipulated the illusions to block the attack.

"Get your ass over here! Kneel before me and answer my question!"

the middle-aged man roared.

"It turns out that idiocy runs in the family."


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