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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3825

"What are the treasures in this divine spring, Elder Iain? Is it really that marvelous?"

One of the genuine premium-grade divine gods was so curious, he could not help but ask.

"Don't be so hasty. I know you are eager to know what's in the divine spring, but let me and Elder Alfonzo work together to seal it first. If we don't do it soon, those metal men will constantly be born from the divine spring.

We don't want that to happen since it's difficult to deal with them," Elder Iain patiently explained.

"All right, then. Let's do that first,"

Elder Alfonzo responded with a nod.

It seemed that both the two elders knew about the divine spring.

When they finished talking, they each took out a big flag, which grew bigger and bigger as it flew with the wind.

The flags emitted bright runes that soared one after another.

As a result, terrifying energy pressure from the flags spread out into the air.

"Whoa! Look! It's the Bright Magic Flag!"

The members of the Novel Court were all stunned and amazed at the sight of the flags.

After all, these two flags were well-known magic treasures in the Novel Court.

According to their legends, there were five significant flags in total—all of which existed since the founding of the Novel Court.

These flags had been passed down to their generation and considered as one of their most powerful magic treasures.

Seeing these two magical flags came as a shock to them because no one had expected that the two elders would bring the flags with them.

This would only mean that the elders reckoned that what they were about to do was not an easy matter.


The two elders started creating numerous formulas with their power and chanted them one by one. When they finished activating both flags with roaring voices, the flags flew out at the same time and immediately floated above the divine spring.

While suspended in the air, the flags swirled around and twined together.

They kept moving for a while until they formed quite a unique shape.

Both flags glowed so brightly that they illuminated the whole world.

Seconds later, lots of dazzling runes surged out of the flags and lunged at the divine spring underneath.


The runes specifically aimed for the five metal men who were gradually coming out of the divine spring. When the runes found their targets, they forcibly suppressed them. Not a minute later, the metal men melted back into their liquid metal state.

Everyone who witnessed this scene all sighed in relief.

"When I was young, I found an ancient book that documents a strange race called the heaven metal race.

According to that book, it takes them years to forge their members. You see, the members of that race are mainly formed through some rare metals, but not until they have absorbed enough chaotic spiritual energy. When they finally get baptized by time and nature, those rare metals gradually retain psychic intelligence and eventually gain life.

That's how their race earned their name.

Basically, they are called the heaven metal race since their members are creatures evolving from metal."

Elder Iain fixed his eyes on the divine spring before him as he told the story.

Austin and everyone else seemed engrossed at Elder Iain's narrative. They all stood shocked and amused by this new information.

Elder Iain was a genuine premium-grade divine god.

If no disastrous accident happened to him, he would live as long as time allowed him.

Besides, someone as wise and percipient as Elder Iain must have been around for quite a long time.

After all, any genuine divine god who was lucky enough to avoid any accidents or danger would definitely be close to being immortal.

His true age might also be beyond anyone's imagination since the book he mentioned—which he had read when he was young—was straight out of the ark.

Surely, Elder Iain had read it back in ancient times.


"Heaven metal race…"

Everyone was so puzzled yet fascinated by this unknown race. After all, they had never heard of such a race before.

"According to the records of that ancient book, they just came out of nature. That meant there were only a few of them.

Just think about how difficult it is for a piece of metal to gain life. What's more, they are quite intelligent. Imagine that!

Those pieces of metal certainly have good luck, don't they? It takes them a long time, but they eventually evolve into a creature with life and intelligence.

A chunk of metal had to experience a lot before it became members of the heaven metal race. That's why their race used to have such a small population," Elder Iain added.

His face suddenly looked serious.


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