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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 387

Regardless of fatigue after traveling a long distance, little prince Reuben took his fellows to their destination, the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games.

They came into an enormous and lavish plaza paved in endless white jade. The jade reflected gentle and resplendent halos, creating a magnificent vision like it was heaven.

The white jade tiles were so valuable and rare that just a few pieces of it were enough for a peasant family's subsistence. What was even more astounding was the fact that it was the Royal Family who wanted the precious jade tiles used for paving the square. They were truly extravagant!

On each side of Jade Square was a column of soldiers armed with a spear. These warriors were from the seventh or eighth cultivation base of the Energy Gathering Realm. Based on their relaxed stance, the squad leaders' cultivation base appeared to be from the Earth Realm.

All the young cultivators who came to take part in the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games milled around the square but in an orderly manner. They mostly stayed in areas designated for their respective sects. All excitedly discussed the event.

Glancing around, Austin saw that other cultivators who were the subordinates of the other nine princes had already arrived. It was his group that came in last.

The ten princes gathered together as a display of brotherhood before the public as soon as they saw each other on the square. Austin's spiritual sense easily perceived that it was all for show, and the princes were only flattering each other. It was unimaginable how the ten princes made a pretense of being intimate brothers in public, while in truth all of them were running different plans in their mind about how to defeat the other in this game. Hypocrites!

This pretentious performance went on for a while.

Finally, an old eunuch with a white beard walked out of the palace. He was light on his feet and spoke in a thunderous voice addressed to the princes present at the square.

"Attention, all the princes and talented attendees here today! It is time to pay a formal visit to the Emperor. Please follow me in an orderly and quiet manner!"

Though the eunuch looked old, his voice was loud and clear that everyone, even those standing in the corner, could hear every word he uttered. His superiority in terms of vital energy was evident.

After his announcement, everyone followed the eunuch to the palace without complaint.

It was hard not to be in awe of the palace's magnificence.

At the center of the spacious hall sat an empty royal throne.

The eunuch's voice rang out again. "This place will be divided into ten areas.

From left to right, each area will be designated as camp for the ten princes' fellows," he explained.

Every cultivator who joined the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games was required to choose one who they thought will be the best prince among the ten.

The Royal family had informed the crowd that the purpose of this Outstanding Talents Exchange Games was not only to exchange knowledge about martial arts, but it was more a competition for the position of crown prince among the ten royal members.

Even Austin was so overwhelmed when he entered the youngest prince's formation that he couldn't help his eyes from wandering around.


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