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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3910

Since Austin had basic knowledge regarding mind power, he was able to practice the Mind Sword Skill.

Soon, he began to cultivate the Mind Sword Skill.

Before he began cultivating, he studied the cultivation method of the technique several times.

"The so-called Mind Sword Skill involves three energies.

They're the mind power, spiritual sense, and sword aura,"

Austin murmured to himself.

"I hope I can successfully harness it."

Austin took a deep breath and began to work on the Mind Sword Skill.

To master the technique, he needed to perfectly combine mind power, spiritual sense, and sword aura.

When he practiced the Flying Swordsmanship in the past, he managed to combine his spiritual sense with his sword aura.

What he needed to do now was integrate the combination of his sword aura and spiritual sense with the mind power.

'If mind power really is extremely condensed spiritual sense, then the two are made of the same elements. Once I find what they have in common, it won't be difficult to merge them, '

Austin mused while he practiced the Mind Sword Skill.

Although the statue told him that it would be difficult to master the Mind Sword Skill, he was confident that he could harness it to the fullest because he had powerful spiritual sense and was greatly gifted in comprehension.

In the secret room, Austin became greatly immersed in his cultivation again.

Time passed by without his notice.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a year had passed.

Nothing new happened in the Sea of Chaos during that time.

Peace reigned over the six super forces.

Other universe communities, races, and forces also developed well and prospered.

As long as the smaller forces turned in a certain amount of cultivation resources to the super powers, they wouldn't suffer through hardships.

Despite that, everyone knew that it was the momentary calm before the storm.

A decisive battle would break out among the six super forces sooner or later.

Particularly the leader of the Beast City had never given up on his ambition of ruling the entirety of the Sea of Chaos.

During that time, breaking news spread through every corner of the Sea of Chaos.

The supreme cosmos appeared again.

Not just once or twice, it was found several times.

In the blink of an eye, many masters rushed to the place where the supreme cosmos was spotted.

Supreme cosmos was one of the many mysterious legends in the Sea of Chaos.

It was said that the supreme cosmoses hid in the void within the Sea of Chaos and were home to many powerful beings.

They were supremely sacred places in the Sea of Chaos.

Not only that, it also served as the perfect place for cultivators.

Rumors had it that the weakest creatures within the supreme cosmoses were ordinary divine gods.

In other words, majority of the creatures in the supreme cosmoses were at least ordinary divine gods.

Therefore, the supreme cosmoses became sacred places that all the cultivators wanted to enter.

But supreme cosmoses were severed from the outside worlds.

Hence, most creatures from other places never even got the chance to set foot in them.

Only when there was some special occasion would the supreme cosmoses be open to the outside worlds.

In short, the supreme cosmoses were mysterious places.

People managed to see them more than once now.

That was why the event managed to catch the attention of the entire Sea of Chaos.

A myriad of masters recently searched high and low for the whereabouts of the supreme cosmos.

Even the twelve animals of the Fallen Divine Valley went out several times to secretly look for the supreme cosmos.

In the secret chamber, Austin merely quietly sat on the ground with his legs crossed.

His hard work paid off.

There was some progress in his mastery of the Mind Sword Skill.

He managed to properly integrate the spiritual sense, the sword aura, and the mind power.

Another couple of months quietly passed.

One day, Austin stood up to grab over ten rocks, and placed them around him in the secret chamber.

Each rock was roughly the size of a hill.


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