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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3937

"It's true. The Fallen Immortal Cosmos has come a long way,"

Austin said, agreeing.

All of his efforts over the years had gone into improving his home and his people.

"Over the last little while, creatures from other cosmoses in the three thousand big and small universes have been trying to move to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

Many divine gods made friends with me with the intention of getting in. They also want to send their offspring here.

As a chaotic ancient kingdom, our cosmos is really popular,"

Kevin replied, trying to hold back his large smile.

"Of course it is. In the Sea of Chaos, the universe grade of the chaotic ancient kingdom is only lower than that of the supreme universe.

It's a perfect place for divine gods to settle down,"

Austin remarked, nodding and smiling.

"Then what do you think we should do? Accept them or refuse them?"

Kevin asked.

"Regarding divine gods, if they want to cultivate in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos, allow them to come in and out freely. After all, they are the divine gods of the three thousand big and small universes.

But for the young creatures, I want you to assess their qualifications and choose some talented ones to settle down and cultivate here,"

Austin said after thinking for a while.

"Okay. Let's do as you said."

Kevin nodded.

"This is all because of you, Austin.

We would still be nobodies without you,"

Kevin gushed.

Over the past few years, Kevin had witnessed Austin grow stronger and stronger and he was proud of what he had achieved.

"Well, it wasn't just me.

Everyone has contributed.

They will help the Fallen Immortal Cosmos become better in the future,"

Austin replied, blushing humbly.

As their conversation tapered off, Austin sensed something.

"Hold on.

There is something happening to Violet. Is it possible that she is about to face her Apotheosizing Doom?"

he exclaimed, looking in the direction of Violet's chamber.

His spiritual sense was so powerful that he could perceive everything in every corner in a cosmos or even a universe community.

"Yes, she seems to be about to face the Apotheosizing Doom!"

Kevin was the master of the cosmos so he was immediately alerted of changes within it.

They both raced to the secret room where Violet had been cultivating in seclusion.

Inside the chamber, powerful energy was frantically surging and rumbling.


The door slammed open and a graceful figure flew out, landing in the starry sky.

Since the Fallen Immortal Cosmos was now a chaotic ancient kingdom with a huge amount of spiritual energy and advanced law of supreme enlightenment, it was easier to nurture divine gods.

Austin and Kevin positioned themselves in case they needed to protect Violet.

Then a swarm of divine gods appeared to watch.

"You're finally going to be a divine god. Violet, you didn't disappoint me."

Austin smiled while he observed the intense focus on Violet's face.

"Austin, is Violet going to undergo the Apotheosizing Doom?"

The sweet scent hit him before he saw Caroline, Ivy, and Sue arrive.

"Yes, you are right."

Austin nodded.


Another timid voice sounded, and three beautiful and delicate women appeared not far away.

They were Sally and the other two mermaids.


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