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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3944

"And then what happened?"

Violet asked anxiously.

"We suffered heavy casualties after fighting several gruesome battles.

Chapman was way too powerful.

Even our chief couldn't stop him. He was injured by Chapman.

At last, the chief decided to retreat.

Since he knew we were going to be hunted down by the demon snake race and their allies, the chief divided us into dozens of teams and each group split up into different paths.

Our chief and senior members wanted to save as many members as possible.

They didn't want all of our members to be killed off.

Alisa and I were in the same team.

However the masters of the demon snake race immediately found us and hunted us down.

After trying so hard to escape them, in the end, most of the people from our team died.

We had no choice but to run away.

So Alisa and I disguised ourselves and went here.

I was gravely injured from our opponents' relentless attacks. In order to avoid being spotted, Alisa erased her aura. As a result, she lost nearly all of her strength.

Ever since then, the two of us lived together and made a meagre living from singing in the tavern."

The old man retold his experiences to Violet.

"I see."

Violet couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

'This doesn't help me find the rest of my people, ' she thought to herself.

"Princess Violet, don't worry too much.

I heard that many groups have survived the attacks.

Our team was careless. We ran in a panic and took the wrong path, so we were easily exposed.

Otherwise, we would not have lost so many members,"

Alisa comforted the young woman.

"I hope the others are still alive,"

Violet said glumly.

"Master, it looks like that we still have a long journey ahead of us."

Violet turned and said to Austin.


Violet, don't worry. We still have much time left. We can still find them,"

Austin said in a comforting tone.

"Tell me everything you know about the nine-tailed demon fox race,"

Austin ordered the slave he had recently controlled.

The slave was a premium-grade divine god from the demon snake race.

His name was Merle.

"Yes, master!

I have a few men at my disposal.

Back then, I was one of the people who hunted down the nine-tailed demon fox race.

As far as I know, a considerable number of foxes have successfully escaped.

But many were found and killed during their attempted escape.

Some had also been caught alive and were taken prisoners,"

Merle promptly answered Austin.

"What about our chief? !"

the old man and Alisa asked in shock of what they had heard.

"Yeah, what happened to him?"

Violet was also curious about their chef's well-being.

"Rumors had it that the chief of the nine-tailed demon race had sustained serious injuries.

I once overheard the discussion of our superiors and they said that he might have got away.

But no one knows if he is still alive.

I don't have a high status in our race, so I don't have access to any confidential information,"

Merle replied.


Austin responded.

Since he made Merle his slave, it was virtually impossible for him to lie to Austin.

"So some foxes have been caught and become prisoners?"

Austin asked.

"Yes, master.

While some of them were forced to serve the members of the demon snake race, some of them have also been imprisoned,"


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