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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3962

"If you encounter any problems in the future, feel free to discuss it with Austin,"

the chief of the nine-tailed demon fox race advised, as he glanced at his people.

"Got it,"

the senior members replied.

"Come with us, sir!"

"Sir, how about we all stay here and keep you company?"

Every nine-tailed demon fox was reluctant to leave their chief behind.

His people considered him highly-respectable and dignified.

"That's enough!

Don't be so sentimental. For the development of our race, you must leave with Austin.

You will have a better future in the outside worlds.

Besides, this separation is temporary. Once everything subsides, I will go out to look for you,"

the chief scolded, as he gave his people a stern look.

Everyone heard the tinge of determination in his voice. He was doing everything for the sake of their race. Of course, they had to toughen up in his behalf.

The chief was a serious person, and it was the rule in their race to obey his orders.

"Austin, you should get going.

I'll leave my people with you."

The chief's voice had softened a little. He turned around to look at Austin, trusting him with his men.


Don't worry. I will try my best to keep them safe,"

Austin reassured.

"I am sending you into my spatial magic treasure," Austin explained to the nine-tailed demon foxes.

There were more than one hundred thousand foxes in front of him.

Austin waved his hand, and he released a teleportation power. The power wrapped all the demon foxes, including Violet. He transported them somewhere they could be safe—his continent.

He figured that it would be best to send them there because he thought that it would be best for Violet to get acquainted with her people.

"Let's go,"

Austin said to Elmer.

The two of them bid farewell to the chief and started to leave the continent.

"Don't worry. He used to be a governing god. Even if he only has a little strength left, he can keep himself from getting killed,"

Elmer comforted Austin through his spiritual sense.

"You're right,"

Austin responded.

Then, the two of them moved a few steps away from the chief.

When Austin and Elmer were no longer in his view, the chief started to examine his surroundings.

"Land of Void, I know you've got lots of secrets. Now I finally have the energy and time to explore it.

Maybe my injuries will be healed if I stay here,"

he murmured to himself.

Meanwhile, in the Heaven Beast Valley, the seven chiefs were having a discussion through their spiritual sense.

"It has been a while since our master entered the Land of Void. I'm wondering if he has found the nine-tailed demon foxes."

"Our master is invincible and resourceful. He will come back with them safe and sound."

"I wonder how much time it would take before they get out of the Land of Void."

These seven chiefs were Austin's slaves.

While all these were taking place, there was another group in a secret space in the Heaven Beast Valley.

They were five divine gods from the demon snake race. They were half kneeling in front of a blurry figure.

"Some time ago, the survivors of the nine-tailed demon fox race appeared in the Heaven Beast Valley.

Have you done a thorough investigation about this as I ordered?" the blurry figure asked the five of them in a low voice.

There was a hint of magic within his voice that would make others respect him.

"Sir, we have looked everywhere in the Heaven Beast Valley, but we got nothing.

It is likely that many demon foxes are hiding somewhere in the Heaven Beast Valley.

They are good at illusions. Moreover, they are cunning,"

an old man dressed in yellow robes replied.

"Sir, I don't think it's a big deal.

Back then, you have already defeated their chief then. Surely, these survivors of the nine-detailed demon fox race won't be a threat. They are small in numbers,"

a strong man countered.

"Of course! These weak foxes will pose no danger against us.

However, the fact that Alfie, their chief, is still alive could be troublesome,"

the blurry figure said, stressing every word.


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