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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3967

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Thunder and lightning above the Flame Holy Land began to scatter.

Before she got struck, Austin's mother let out a growl and flew towards the thunderbolts to destroy them.


The violent energy waves spread above the entire Flame Holy Land.

"It looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree..."

Kevin remarked.

"That was amazing!

Come on!"

Caroline, Ivy and Sue cheered Austin's mother excitedly.

"She's truly powerful!"

Watching his wife hover in the air, Clement couldn't help but laugh.

He was submissive, and he knew that his wife was competitive.

"Ha-ha! Dad, mom is getting stronger by the day. You better make sure that you don't get on her nerves. It would spell doom for you if you cross her!"

Chad teased playfully as he winked at his father.

"Brat, whose side the hell are you on?"

Clement jibbed, frowning at his son.

There was no suspense about the result.

Austin's mother got through the Heavenly Doom and had become a master at the Divine Realm. It was not a feat everyone could do!

"That was phenomenal!"

Caroline, Ivy, and Sue were the first ones to dash forward and surround Austin's mother.

Clement and Chad followed suit immediately.

"You cultivate hard to reach higher vital energy realms.

If I catch you slacking off, you will be in big trouble,"

Austin's mother said as she gave her husband and son a threatening stare.

Clement and Chad clammed up. They thought it best not to retaliate since she could berate them further once they protested.

"Give out the order. We are going to hold a banquet to celebrate!"

Several senior leaders of the Flame Holy Land complied. They had heard of Austin's mother's great success reaching a higher vital energy realm.

A lively atmosphere enveloped the entire Flame Holy Land.

"I never thought I could see the day! The Fallen Immortal Cosmos is now littered with masters at the Divine Realm!

More and more cultivators have become divine gods.

Everything is going in our favor!"

At the banquet, Kevin was delighted with this news. He chugged down plenty of wine as a celebration.

"We should credit all these incredible achievements to Austin!

You have raised a talent who can make contributions to the entire cosmos!"

Elder Kevin said to Elder Sharp of the Flame Holy Land.

Up to now, the latter outranked most of them.

On the other hand, while the Fallen Immortal Cosmos was celebrating and flourishing, a shocking event happened in the Sea of Chaos.

Ronnie declared war on the Novel Court with a dozen forbidden places.

He led the troops formed by a dozen forbidden places to the headquarters of the Novel Court.

Apart from his accumulated army, the troops from countless universe communities and races that had surrendered to the Annihilation Mountain were on their way to the Novel Court's headquarters. As soon as Ronnie ordered, the leaders immediately rounded up their men.

The Novel Court responded as soon as they could when their leaders heard of this horrible news.

They gathered their men quickly.

Multiple allies of the Novel Court sent reinforcements to back them up.

There was no way that they would wait for their enemy to break into their vicinity. They would do everything in their power to stop them.


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