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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3971

"From this day forth, the Novel Court and Ronnie will become deadly enemies!"

A voice came booming from the headquarters of the Novel Court.

"Humph! Whatever. What's the point?

The Novel Court will be wiped out very soon, anyway. Enjoy your final days!"

The arrogant voice of Ronnie sounded in response from afar.

Apparently, the two super forces had become hostile against each other and became rabid enemies.

In any case, the terrifying strength that Ronnie had displayed had left the entire Sea of Chaos in shock and awe.

The battle proved that Ronnie, a rising star, had the strength to challenge the five super forces.

Apart from anything else, the fact that Ronnie had two governing gods under his command had forced the entire Sea of Chaos, and even the Beast City to secretly fear him.

The battle had to end sometime and everything settled down.

Meanwhile, in a secret room in the depths of the Annihilation Mountain.

"This is unfortunate. The energy and laws of this chaotic space are not suitable for me.

I have spent a considerable time here and so far, I have only recovered thirty percent of my strength at most.

If the speed of my recovery had been faster, it would be easy for me to wipe out the Novel Court.

But now, I'll have to take my time.

When I completely recover and have my strength back to peak levels, it will be easy for me to conquer the Sea of Chaos,"

Ronnie murmured as he sat cross legged in the secret room.

At that same time, in the headquarters of the Novel Court.

In a magnificent palace, there were several tall men with majestic auras and shrouded by the original chaotic laws.

"Leader, what do you think of Ronnie's real combat power?"

a man with his face covered in thick black fog asked in an icy cold and gloomy voice, like a ferocious ghost that had lived for billions of years.

"His strength is very strange to me.

It was not too long ago that he broke through and became a governing god.

However, I feel that he is much more advanced in the comprehension of various laws and secret techniques than I am.

If pitted side by side with him, I feel like a junior fighting with a senior.

Admittedly, I'm inferior to him in every aspect, including understanding of the laws, my moves, and fighting experience.

The only thing that I have the advantage against him is my energy.

I can feel that he is seriously injured, and he is a little conservative in the use of energy, as if he would run out quickly,"

the leader said thoughtfully.

"What? He is seriously injured, but he could still tie with you?

How is that possible?"

The other men in the palace were all shocked and couldn't believe it.

"I speak the truth. In all honesty, if he were not injured, I would be far from being his match. I consider this fortunate on my part.

Both of us are governing gods, but he is obviously a few notches stronger than me,"

the leader sighed in resignation.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that it was true. It made no sense to deny it.

"No way! I refuse to believe that!

I have made a very detailed investigation of him.

In the past, he was just a very ordinary elder in the Annihilation Mountain, and his strength was at the medium level among the other elders there.

It was not too long ago that he suddenly rose to the ranks and became a governing god.

Logically speaking, even if he has become a governing god, he should not be as strong as any of us!

After all, we have been governing gods for quite a long time now.

Ronnie is still just a rising star. How is it possible for him to be stronger than us?"

a tall and strong demon rebutted passionately.

He was robust, and the aura that he released was terrifying. Any movement that he made would cause the surrounding space to tremble and shatter.

"You all ignore a small but important detail.

I have also sent someone to investigate Ronnie and found one thing.

He had once led the people of the Annihilation Mountain into the Land of Outlaw.

He cultivated in seclusion for quite a while after he returned.

After he successfully completed his cultivation, he became a governing god.

After that, he aggressively defeated the former leader of the Annihilation Mountain, and conquered more than a dozen forbidden lands in a row. Because of these victories, he is now on an equal footing with us.


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