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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3978

"Master, please! We can kill them all if you let us!"

Austin's soldiers asked, bouncing impatiently on their toes as they awaited a fight.

"Leader, we don't need to be afraid of them. We are stronger!"

It appeared that the senior members of the alliance were also ready to show off their skills.

Behind all of them, the twelve zodiac animals looked around lazily.

They were all semi-governing gods, and their combined strength was equal to a governing god.

The waiting and teasing was like child's play to them. If they wanted, they could kill them all in an instant.

"There's no need to fight with them.

Our final targets are the five super forces, so killing these guys would be a waste of time.

Besides, I want them as slaves. Hurting them would make more work for me and waste my resources,"

Austin explained, puffing out his chest.

Hearing this, the senior members nodded their heads and stood down.

There would be no need for a fight

because Austin was strong enough to

turn genuine premium-grade divine gods into his slaves.

They were more useful to him this way.

Soon, they would all be his.

Austin walked out of the warship slowly, leading a large group of people.

This time, Austin didn't intend to hide his identity.

For years, all the creatures in the Sea of Chaos had believed that Austin had died, so his sudden appearance would result in the uproar that he craved.

He wasn't afraid to be found.

He wanted his enemies to come to him.

Austin's statue master in the Fallen Divine Valley had already advised him to establish his own force in the Sea of Chaos, so now was the perfect timing.

Austin stopped walking and stood in the chaotic void with his hands behind his back

while tens of thousands of divine gods stood in formation behind him.


Following Austin's order, the divine gods released their energy that surged upwards and rolled towards their enemies like waves.

The resulting tremor spanned hundreds of millions of miles in the chaotic void.

The onlookers began to cower and pressed closer together.

"Oh my God!

What was that? I heard that most of their powerful members were wiped out by the five super forces, but it looks like there are tens of thousands of divine gods here!

How's that possible?"

"With that many people, they could be equal to the five super forces in strength!"

Exclamations and cries of panic erupted among the crowd.

Their previous taunting had fizzled into the air, and they all grew solemn.

"How dare you challenge our alliance?"

Austin asked while he surveyed the whole battleground with his hands behind his back.

The only response was his enemies' faces turning deathly pale.

Although there were more than twenty troops, they only had two or three thousand divine gods, and most of them were ordinary divine gods.

There was a huge gap in strength between them and the alliance.

They wouldn't even bother fighting since they knew that they didn't stand a chance.

'How did this happen?' the troops' leaders asked themselves.

They had been so confident with the fact that

they were more powerful than the alliance.

They had thought it would be easy to deal with the small group of the surviving members of the alliance, so they rushed over to flaunt their abilities.

However, now they realized that they were wrong, completely wrong!

There were tens of thousands of divine gods!

How could the troops stand a chance against the alliance?


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