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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3984

While traveling towards the Ice Palace, the troops of the alliance led by Austin didn't encounter any large armies again.

Then, another two days had passed.

"Leader, we're almost there," the Ice Queen informed Austin through her spiritual sense.

She sounded very excited, knowing that she was finally coming back to this place.

After all, she was the leader of the Ice Palace. She had spent a lot of energy, resource, and time just to keep everything in its proper place.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that nothing was more important to her than the Ice Palace.

However, that most important thing had been forcefully taken from her by the Beast City.

Nothing would make her happier than knowing that she could finally go back and reclaim what was rightfully hers.

Thus, she was looking forward to this moment and couldn't wait for their victory.

"Don't worry too much. We'll definitely take the Ice Palace back."

Austin knew that the Ice Queen would be a little anxious about reclaiming the Ice Palace, so he firmly reassured her.

"I know.

Since you came here in person, getting it back wouldn't be a problem," the Ice Queen replied with a faint smile.

Not long ago, she witnessed how Austin fought the semi-governing god from the Annihilation Mountain.

Seeing Austin's incredible strength, she believed in what more he could do.

"Ha-ha! I actually don't need to join the battle this time..."

Austin said.

'I have over twenty thousand divine god slaves that would heed my every command.

Even the alliance alone consists of tens of thousands of powerful divine gods.

I heard that the beast race only had a single army stationed in the Ice Palace.

Regaining control of it is going to be a mere child's play, ' he thought to himself.

"Master, we can already see the Ice Palace.

There's a large group of people from the beast race patrolling ahead of us.

What are your orders?"

one of Austin's divine god slaves reported as he scouted the area.

"Break into the Ice Palace straight away. There's no need for any sneak attacks."

Without any hesitation, Austin gave the signal to his men to launch the attack on the Ice Palace.

As soon as he issued his order, divine gods rushed out of the warships.

They crowded the space in an instant.

The people of the beast race who were patrolling the area were all taken aback when they saw a huge army coming their way.

"Who the hell are you?!

This is the territory of the Beast City.

No one is allowed to get past this point without permission!

If you don't stop right now, you will be declared as enemies of the Beast City!" a genuine preliminary-grade divine god from the beast race shouted, sternly warning the approaching army.

"Shut the hell up! You speak too much!"

One of Austin's genuine premium-grade divine god hit him from the distance.

Failing to dodge it, the poor genuine preliminary-grade divine god exploded on the spot. Before he even realized what happened, he was already crushed to death.

After all, it was a piece of cake for a genuine premium-grade divine god to eliminate a preliminary-grade divine god with a single blow.

"Don't kill their divine gods.

They are still of use to me," Austin reminded his slaves and the allied army as he watched the death of the genuine preliminary-grade divine god.

Austin knew that the divine gods of the beast race could be an asset to him if he could turn them into his slaves and have them at his disposal. It would be a total waste just to let them be killed unnecessarily.

Upon noticing the chaos that was happening outside, several groups of cultivators from the Beast City rushed out of the Ice Palace.

Most of them were members of the beast race, while some were from other forces that had surrendered to the beast race.

"How dare you just barge into our territory? Identify yourselves!

Don't you know that you're making an enemy out of the Beast City?!"

A genuine premium-grade divine god finally showed up and roared when he saw that his comrade was getting beaten up.

"Humph! What did you just say?

When did this place become your territory? You bunch of barbaric scum!

You'll pay for what you've done.

We will reclaim the Ice Palace today!" the Ice Queen declared firmly.

Immediately after, she and the senior members of the Ice Palace charged at the army of the Beast City.

"There's no need to waste our time arguing with these monsters. Let's break in just as our master ordered!"

Austin's divine god slaves also weren't interested in pointless talking. They dashed towards the enemy and started battling and restraining the enemies.


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