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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4004

"Patriarch! We have already lost almost half of our wealth.

What shall we do? The cost is too much for us.

The alliance is terribly ruthless and cruel!"

an old man with white hair and beard informed the patriarch in a trembling voice. There were tears streaming down his timeworn face.

"At the very least, we have avoided total annihilation.

From now on, we must keep a low profile. We must remain cautious at all times.

Notify all of our clansmen who are outside, and ask them to return. From now on, nobody is allowed to leave the Heavenly Elephant Universe Community without permission.

Furthermore, always remember to hide from the alliance!

Each and every one of you must stay away from them!"

the patriarch declared gravely. With a gloomy look on his face, he stared towards the direction where the army of the alliance had disappeared.

"Patriarch, what will we do if the Novel Court orders us to fight against the alliance?

We can't afford to offend the Novel Court as well."

The old man had a troubled and anxious expression when he said this.

"That is exactly what I am most worried about," the patriarch replied.

He continued, "Alas! We have to be extremely wary of our actions.

In any case, we must avoid deliberately provoking the alliance!"

As he said this, the patriarch sighed and shook his head. They were obviously caught in a very difficult situation.

The news of what happened to the Heavenly Elephant Universe Community had soon spread far and wide at an astonishing speed.

"Even a powerful race like the heavenly elephant race has taken the initiative to surrender. They immediately bowed their heads and apologized for their mistakes.

That only shows that the alliance is truly powerful!"

"That's true. Right now, in the Sea of Chaos, there's no other force that can contend against the alliance except for the six super forces. Naturally, the heavenly elephant race did not have any other option."

Countless of forces across the entire Sea of Chaos were stunned by what happened to the Heavenly Elephant Universe Community. They began discussing among themselves.

"Have you heard the latest news?

They say that the alliance is now heading for the Golden Roc Universe Community!

It seems that their next target is the golden roc race!"

Soon enough, this news had spread quickly too.

In fact, anything related to the alliance would instantly attract attention. It easily became the focus of discussions.

All at once, lots of different creatures used their bodily movement skills and rushed towards the Golden Roc Universe Community. Everyone wanted to witness the fun.

As the name implied, the Golden Roc Universe Community was where the golden roc race lived.

In terms of strength, the golden roc race was quite comparable to the heavenly elephant race.

"It appears that the alliance is targeting all those powerful forces!"

"Obviously, they want to show off their power and give the other forces a warning!"

Several creatures sighed and shook their heads.

Meanwhile, there was a commotion within the Golden Roc Universe Community.

Inside their magnificent palace, the patriarch and all the senior leaders of the golden roc race had gathered and were nervously discussing possible countermeasures.

"Patriarch, what shall we do? The alliance might arrive here any minute from now!"

All the senior leaders were at a loss for what they should do.

Everyone felt utterly nervous and anxious. The tension was almost palpable.

The golden roc race's army was completely ready and in full battle arrangement.

However, everyone knew that setting up defenses was totally useless.

They were well-aware that they were no match for the alliance. The disparity between their strength was just too big.

The senior leaders in the palace were divided into two groups.

One group wanted to fight back and defend their homeland.

However, the other one advised that they should just surrender and apologize.

Needless to say, the two groups had argued against each other until their faces turned red.

But now that the moment was near, everyone's eyes were fixed on the patriarch.

After all, the final decision was up to him.

Now, their patriarch was a genuine premium-grade divine god.

"Stop quarreling among yourselves."

The two groups instantly stopped arguing as soon as the patriarch spoke.

"Patriarch, have you made up your mind? What is your decision?"

All eyes were fixed on the patriarch. Nobody moved a muscle as they awaited his verdict.

"Who do you think is stronger, our golden roc race or the heavenly elephant race?"

the patriarch asked as he looked at them seriously.

Everyone was stunned. They glanced at one another hastily.

"I think we are about the same in terms of strength,"


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