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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4006

During this period, Austin led his allied army and gained a firm foothold in the Sea of Chaos.

He then planned to carefully train the army and strengthen it. But he wouldn't interfere too much unless it became really necessary or if the army was in a crisis of life and death.

And now, above all, he needed to consider the improvement of his own strength.

But he seemed to have hit a bottleneck.

He was at a loss as he had no idea what he should do and where he could travel to for opportunities to improve.

"The isolated alien spaces!"

he suddenly muttered as he sat in the secret room one day.

"The secret method of the Puppet Strings can probably cause my strength to soar in a short time!"

he exclaimed, this simple solution coming to mind.

"Okay, then," Austin said, making up his mind.

"I will go to the isolated alien space the spiritual race lived to give it a try!"

He was risking his life by going to this dangerous place in order to become stronger.

This was not a blindly arrogant decision, though. Austin believed that with his current strength, it wouldn't be too dangerous for him to face the spiritual race.

Moreover, he had the spiritual tree, the spiritual dragon, and the secret method of the Puppet Strings to protect him. He had made great achievements in all these aspects.

So he assumed that it wouldn't be difficult for him to deal with the divine gods of the spiritual race.

Wasting no time, he immediately called the ten core leaders of the allied army to his place and handed charge of the army's daily affairs over to them while he would be away.

He also informed the twelve zodiac animals of his plan.

The twelve zodiac animals, on hearing his decision, decided to go to the isolated alien space with him.

They were afraid that something bad would happen to Austin.

But Austin refused their kind offer, convincing them instead, to stay in the Ice Palace and take charge of the allied army.

Austin knew that the six super forces would counterattack the allied army sooner or later.

He would feel less worried with the twelve zodiac animals protecting the allied army.

"But, Austin, you would be all alone! What if something terrible happens to you?

The six super forces are probably thinking hard about how to kill you.

If you go out alone and they discover you, the consequences will be terrible.

Let us go with you. Please!"

the sky-devouring dog said worriedly.

"Don't worry. I'll disguise myself well and move in secret. They won't find me that easily.

Besides, the spiritual race is not very powerful. I can deal with them myself.

I'm tough and won't die that easily.

All of you stay in the Ice Palace and help me take charge of the army,"

Austin said, smiling.

"All right."

The twelve zodiac animals had no choice but to agree to what Austin was suggesting.

"But if you encounter something you can't handle, you have to inform us immediately. We will help you.

You are our master's disciple. We can't let you be killed.

If we did, it would be like failing our master,"

the sky-devouring dog added.

"Don't worry. I'm more nervous than you when it comes to my life. I will be extremely careful,"

Austin said, his smile softening. Warmth filled his heart at how there were so many people caring about him.

And then, Austin quietly left the Ice Palace and headed for the isolated alien spaces.

It was a special area in the Sea of Chaos.

It was supposed to be at the most remote location on the edge of the Sea of Chaos.

It was also the most mysterious place in the Sea of Chaos.

There were many independent isolated alien spaces clustered together. Many strange races lived in those spaces.

Austin accelerated the top-level spaceship he was staying in.

Half a month later, a strange void suddenly appeared before him.

Huge meteorites floated in the air.

Streams of colorful gas floated amidst these meteorites like silk ribbons.


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