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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4008

The shadow race members may look intimidating because of their odd looks, but they were physically average. Therefore, Austin could easily take them down.

"You know how powerful I am, don't you?"

Austin stood his ground with a stern face.

"Please forgive us, sir! We beg you! We will never find fault with you!"

The shadow race members were incessantly begging for mercy.

"Don't be afraid. He is alone. We have him outnumbered. We can joint hands to launch the Shadow Tide Array!"

Some of them believed that through their cooperation, they could take down Austin. They frantically encouraged their clansmen so they could boost their morale.

"We can kill him if we form the Shadow Tide Array together!"

Hearing their companions' proposal, they felt a fire rose in their hearts. After all, it did make sense.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Huge noises echoed in the sky all of a sudden.

The countless shadows around Austin started moving and gradually formed a unique pattern in the air, which turned out to be a special array. Tremendous energy surged up and down with frightening momentum.

In just a matter of seconds, an array made of numerous shadows was formed around Austin.

Boom! A deafening explosion permeated their ears. The space around them shook violently.

The Shadow Tide Array looked like a colossal web made of darkness. It headed straight to Austin, enveloping him from every direction.

Austin activated the sword aura continuously. Countless sharp sword auras shot out non-stop to prevent the enormous shadow web from consuming him.

To Austin's surprise, however, the shadow web seemed to be tenacious. Although it was continually being torn apart by the sharp sword aura, it kept on repairing itself to its original intact state in the blink of an eye.

"Ha-ha! Are you afraid now, human boy? The Shadow Tide Array is very powerful. Breaking it is not going to be an easy task."

The shadow race members guffawed. They were confident that they finally had Austin by the palm of their hand.

"Oh, really? Do you really think I can't break this? This is just a small array. I've dealt with arrays greater than this one. This is basically a piece of cake,"

Austin insulted flatly. A faint smile formed on his lips.

"You arrogant piece of shit!" one of the shadow race members shouted. Then, he turned towards his clansmen.

"Guys, let's reinforce our energy on the array. No matter what happens, we must kill this human brat!"

Apparently, Austin's arrogance had enraged the shadow race members tremendously, so they all clamored for Austin's death.

"Transform the array!"

one of the shadow race members shouted at the top of his voice.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, the huge shadow web twisted and turned into the shape of a human.

The shadow was truly akin to a human form, complete with four limbs and a pair of eyes. However, instead of two eyeballs, it had two red flames in the eye sockets. It was a peculiar sight.

"I'll eat you whole, human boy!"

The humongous shadow creature pounced on Austin in full force.

"Ha-ha, try my Flying Swordsmanship before you eat me up,"

Austin satirized as he dodged its attacks.

Not long before this, Austin had learned the real Flying Swordsmanship from the swordsmanship master in the sword shrine.

Still, he hadn't had an opportunity to use it.

Austin focused both his attention and energy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A flying sword dashed out of Austin's body.


The sword came at lightning speed that it was hard to follow where it went.

When it reappeared, it had already rushed into the huge human-shaped shadow and made several cuts to it.


The flying sword contained immense energy, so it slashed the array smoothly like cutting tofu. After a few moments, the human-shaped shadow was cut into pieces and could no longer be reorganized.

The real Flying Swordsmanship that Austin learned from the swordsmanship master was much more powerful and mysterious than the incomplete version of Flying Swordsmanship that he had cultivated by himself.

If he were to utilize the real Flying Swordsmanship to the highest level, he could control the flying sword to fly across the entire Sea of Chaos and hit anybody within this area!

Of course, with Austin's current cultivation base of swordsmanship, he could not reach such a terrifying level in a short time.

Austin estimated, however, that he could assault his enemies within the range of about ten universe communities if he directed his flying sword to attack with his mind.

But if his goal range was the entire Sea of Chaos, his current capacity was practically nothing. He still had a lot to improve.

The Sea of Chaos was comprised of roughly around ten million universe communities.

Aside from its long range, the real Flying Swordsmanship had another advantage, which added to its force as the real Flying Swordsmanship—it could be used with various kinds of laws.

The simplest laws for its use were the law of space and the law of time.

Combined with the two kinds of laws, its speed and flying trajectory would become difficult to predict. It would appear and disappear like ghost.

Once again, countless brilliant sword auras were launched. Their sharpness intensified, at least a thousand times sharper than in the past!

In other words, Austin had significantly improved his Flying Swordsmanship.


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