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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4010

"So you wandered far from the territory of the shadow race and entered the chaotic region that has an extremely unstable structure, and now you're back here safe and sound.

Tell me!

Are you lying?"

one of the gray-skinned men shouted as a wave of energy rose behind him.

"I would never! What we said is the truth.

The human brat chased us and we escaped into the chaotic region.

It was difficult to pass through. However, we worked together to form the Shadow Tide Array, so we managed to survive,"

a member of the shadow race replied cautiously as he stepped forward.

"Then where is the human brat?"

the gray-skinned man asked in a growl.

"Well... I saw a tall, red figure appear in the chaotic space in the distance, and that human brat charged at it.

While he was distracted, we took the opportunity to escape,"

the member of the shadow race replied.

"Yes, we all saw the red figure. The aura it gave off sent chills through my body!"

one of the others echoed.


You mean a red-haired monster?!"

The news of this turned the gray-skinned man's face pale.

"Are you sure?

Think carefully. It's not a joke!"

The other gray-skinned men joined in on the panic.

"What we said is true!

We were all frightened so we ran away. We didn't get a clear look at it.

As for whether there is really a red-haired monster, we are not sure,"

a member of the shadow race explained anxiously.

"This is serious! We must report it to our leader and send our masters to investigate it thoroughly,"

a gray-skinned man said in a low voice.

"Right. We must attach great importance to this matter. It's related to the red-haired monsters. It's not a joke."

The other gray-skinned men nodded in agreement.

"You all must return to your homes.

From now on, no one is allowed to leave the territory of our race and enter the chaotic region without permission.

Otherwise, he will be punished according to the rules,"

a gray-skinned man announced.

"Yes, sir!"

all the members of the shadow race answered in unison.

Then, they turned and began the journey back to the territory of their race.

"Master, it's over. They believe what I said.

Now, we can enter the territory of the shadow race,"

a member of the shadow race whispered to Austin.

"Excellent! That was super smart by the way,"

Austin said with a smile.

"So were those people the divine gods of your shadow race?"

he added as they walked.


Master, there is something you don't know. We are born as a shadow, but after we become gods, we gain flesh and blood; a real body,"

the slave replied.

"I see.

But I want to learn more about this red-haired monster,"

Austin replied.

"The red-haired monster is famous in the isolated alien spaces.

It has long, red hair all over its body, making it look like a red ape.


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