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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4020

"Here. You should have a drink as well!"

Austin told Princess Esther and pushed a glass of wine towards her.

"No way! The food of the spiritual race looks so disgusting. I don't know what's in this wine and I don't want to drink it!"

Princess Esther was so nauseated at the idea that she quivered.

She had totally lost her appetite after seeing the heads on the table.

"I know the food's not to your taste. But their wine is different. It is good for the spiritual soul.

Getting a chance to try it is rare. My advice is that you should give it a try,"

Austin told her with a smile.

"Really? Is the wine so precious?"

Princess Esther could see that Austin seemed in a happy mood after taking a sip of the wine. His delight calmed her fears down and she decided to give it a shot.

After much hesitation, she finally took a careful sip.

"Hey, this is really good!"

She felt an instant change in her spiritual soul as soon as her tongue touched the wine. A fresh and energetic feeling ran across her spiritual soul. The wine felt pure without any sort of adulteration.

She liked it so much that she drank several glasses in a row.

"Hey, my friend... You should try these spiritual seeds as well.

I nurtured them carefully in my mansion. They are fed with a lot of natural treasures and resources that contain tremendous amounts of spiritual soul energy. I am not going to diverge too much detail, but there's a secret method in our royal family that does wonders to these spiritual seeds. It takes the spiritual soul essence and the spiritual soul law from those resources, and preserves it inside the spiritual seeds' heads.

Also, every inch of their flesh and blood contains significant amounts of spiritual soul essence and spiritual soul laws.

It takes a long time to craft these spiritual seeds. When they're finally ready, they contain a great amount of energy and nourishments which is very useful for our members' cultivation,"

Rondo told Austin and pointed at the heads on the plates.

Then, with much ado, he picked up one of the heads and put it into his mouth. He then began chewing it with an enjoyable expression.

"Spiritual seed? Secret method of the royal family?"

The words seemed a bit promising, but Austin felt so disgusted at the sight of him eating a living screaming head that he didn't even want to try it.

Princess Esther, who was sitting by Austin's side, looked pale as well. It looked like she was going to throw up any second now. Luckily, she did not.

"No thank you, Your Highness. I like the wine better, but you are welcome to take your time with the spiritual seeds. We'll stick to the wine."

Austin forced a smile and politely refused.

He found it a little funny that Rondo had arranged for some charming girls to dance and entertain them while they dined. Apparently, he liked to create a happy, fervent atmosphere for his guests.

After several rounds of drinking and toasting, Rondo was unable to hold back his curiosity any longer. He began talking to Austin in a casual manner. His intention was to inquire about the Austin's background.

"Dude! Your strength is amazing, but you also seem strange to me somehow.

I don't think I have ever met you before. May I have the honor to know your name?"

Rondo asked.

"Ha-ha, my name is Gio. I left the Spirit Cosmos a long time ago and have wandered the outside worlds ever since. I came back to the Spirit Cosmos only recently, which is why we've never met.

Also, when I left the Spirit Cosmos, I was a nobody. But you are a prince, so it is natural that you've never heard of me,"

Austin replied flatly.

"I see!

Yes, you are right. Most of the martial arts masters I knew were from the Spirit Cosmos.

If you have just returned here in recent days, it is understandable that I don't know you,"

Rondo uttered. Austin's explanation made sense to him.

It also dispelled the last shreds of doubt he had about this young man. He fully trusted Austin now.

"Gio, I want to introduce you to a senior,"

Rondo suddenly said.

"Oh, a senior? Who is it?"

Austin was surprised to hear that.

"Your Highness!"

Before Austin could respond, an old man, clad in cyan clothes, appeared beside Rondo. He seemed to have popped out of nowhere and was now looking down at Austin with a pair of gloomy eyes.

"Elder Payne, this is Gio. What do you think of his skills?"

Rondo turned to the old man and asked.

"His skills? They are nothing in my eyes."

The old man continued looking at Austin with a cold and disdainful look.

The expressions on his face were that of a winner who was looking down on someone he'd just defeated. It was clear that Austin held no good place in the old man's eyes.

However, Austin just flashed a cold smile to the old man and kept silent.

'This old man is from the spiritual race and is a very powerful divine god!'

Although Austin's facial composure was retained, he was, in secret, overjoyed upon seeing the old man.


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