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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4022

Austin, who had just disappeared a split-second earlier, was already standing not far away with Esther, his hands behind his back. There was an indifferent expression on his face.

"You! You! You're back again?!"

"How the hell is that possible? I saw you disappear just now! But how did you appear again like that?"

Everyone was rendered speechless and could merely stare at Austin in horror.

It was known to all that these masters of the spiritual race were the ones with strong spiritual senses. They cultivated all kinds of brilliant secret skills of the spiritual soul, and their sensibility was far stronger than that of the creatures of other races.

However, although Austin showed himself freely in front of them, he also disappeared and reappeared in the blink of an eye.

They could not even follow his movements at all.

This kind of bodily movement skill was too terrifying and utterly beyond belief.

Without a doubt, Austin had impressed everyone with his amazing show of strength and skill.

"How... How did you do that?"

the old man in cyan asked, dumbfounded.

"This is just a small track I can do. It's not really a big deal,"

Austin replied flatly.


The old man couldn't even utter a word as his blood boiled with fury.

What did this brat mean that it was not really a big deal?

It was totally not the case in reality. The truth was that he could walk freely across the whole Spirit Cosmos without any obstacles! There were no tricks involved.

"Prince Rondo, you haven't answered my question yet.

Do you really think that your people have the ability to keep me here?"

Austin stared at Rondo and asked.

"No, I don't think they can do that.

Gio, your bodily movement skill is much too terrifying.

I am unable to follow you while you move,"

Rondo replied faintly with a bitter smile.

"What conditions do you need for you to join us?

Just speak them out. As long as your requirements are feasible, I will do my best to satisfy them!

Besides, when I take control of the Spirit Cosmos in the future, I can appoint you as the leading general of this cosmos. At that time, apart from me, you will become the most powerful entity in this corner of the cosmos,"

Rondo added seriously as he looked Austin in the eye.

"No way, Your Highness!

That would be too much!"

the old man in cyan immediately cut in, shocked at what seemed like a reckless decision coming from Rondo himself.

"Although this guy seems capable, he doesn't deserve such a high position. I beg you to reconsider, Your Highness!"

The other masters of the spiritual race all nodded in agreement.

"Ha ha. It seems that you are still not convinced of who I am and what I can do!

Well, let me show you how powerful I am!"

Austin teased and laughed wildly.

He owned both the spiritual tree and the spiritual dragon, so his spiritual sense was undeniably stronger than that of an ordinary semi-governing god.

What was more, the spiritual tree was a holy treasure that the spiritual race had been searching for, for a very long time. The purpose of its existence was to suppress and restrain the power of all the members of the spiritual race.

The so-called masters in front of him were still light years away from reaching the level of a semi-governing god, so they were insignificant in Austin's eyes.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sphere of spiritual sense that resided in Austin's Soul Sea began to spin rapidly.

Like a raging tide, walls of overwhelming energy poured out from Austin.

At the same time, thousands of red silk strings shot out in all directions.

Under the violent vibration of the terrible energy from his spiritual sense, Rondo's mansion shook and trembled as if it was about to crumble at any moment.

"Arrgggh!" "What the hell is happening?"

All the masters of the spiritual race were frightened to the core and almost lost control of their spiritual senses.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Some of the weaker ones were even blown away like dried leaves being swept away in the wind. The impact was so powerful that they spurted blood from different places in their bodies and screamed in pain.

Miserable cries and whines filled the place. Everything turned to a huge mess.

"No, please calm down, Gio,"

Rondo blurted out at once as a hint of horror flashed through his eyes and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"My friend, let's have a nice and peaceful talk!"

Even the old man in cyan spoke calmly to appease Austin. His arrogant attitude towards Austin earlier had disappeared.

Instead, he became more gentle as he faced Austin.


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