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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4028

The divine god of the spiritual race that Austin had subdued was the governor of the city, and had a large number of slaves.

Now that he was Austin's slave, all his slaves had become Austin's slaves as well.

Austin summoned all of them to him, in the governor's residence.

As soon as the numerous creatures arrived, they all bowed to him.

"Greetings, master!" they said in unison with the utmost respect.

Some of these creatures were from the spiritual race while the rest of them were from other races.

Either way, a divine god wouldn't have bothered to conquer them unless they were very powerful.

Without any delay, Austin performed the technique of the Puppet Strings that he had learned most recently, and found that he could absorb and channel the spiritual soul energy of all these slaves without any issues.

Now that he was assured of his power, he decided to move on to his next task. "Wait for my instruction," he ordered all of them.

Then, with a final nod at the governor of the spiritual race, he vanished into thin air.

"Take care, master!"

the governor and his slaves said in unison.

A moment later, Austin appeared in front of another divine god of the spiritual race.

Thanks to Prince Rondo and Elder Payne, he now knew a lot about the Spirit Cosmos, including the location of the divine gods.

His plan was to track them down one by one and control as many of them as he could.

The key point was that every divine god of the spiritual race had numerous slaves, who would in turn become Austin's slaves.

This way, he could amass a lot of slaves in a short time and expand the amount of spiritual soul energy that he would have at his disposal.

With that much power, he would be able to handle any sort of problem that came his way.

He decided to take this opportunity to control the Spirit Cosmos.

With his astonishing speed and terrifying strength, he traveled around the Spirit Cosmos without a hitch. In no time, he had subdued more than ten divine gods of the spiritual race.

Of course, most of them were ordinary divine gods.

In fact, the spiritual race was actually not that strong. They only had a few genuine divine gods.

As Austin was traveling to another place, he received a message from Prince Rondo through spiritual sense.

"Master, we can set off now.

The competition in the Spiritual Mountain has begun."

"Got it," Austin replied.

Then, he communicated this information to the divine gods of the spiritual race that he controlled. In the blink of an eye, they all appeared in front of him.

Prince Rondo also had over ten divine gods of the spiritual race under his command.

It was no surprise to anyone that such an ambitious prince would have so many masters following him.

"Let's go to the Spiritual Mountain,"

Austin said to Prince Rondo after he summoned him.

"Let's go!" Prince Rondo echoed to everyone around him.

As soon as he gave the order, they all headed towards the Spiritual Mountain as a group.

The Spirit Cosmos was a staggeringly vast universe, filled with countless stars and worlds.

Needless to say, there were many methods one could use to travel across this universe. This time, they all traveled on the back of a majestic roc with golden wings.

This golden-winged roc was a slave of one of the divine gods who now took orders from Austin.

Two hours later, they arrived at the Spiritual Mountain.

The Spiritual Mountain was the most famous mountain in the Spirit Cosmos, due to its size and magnificent appearance.

On top of that, it was also one of the sacred places of the spiritual race.

Looking from afar, Austin could see that the mountain was enormous, steep, and obsidian-colored, almost giving the impression that there was a black monster lying there.

The whole mountain was bathed in surging spiritual soul energy, which was a spectacular sight to behold.

As they neared the foot of the mountain, Austin saw a large number of members of the spiritual race posted there to control the crowd.

These creatures were in their true forms, so it looked like there were grey clouds of spiritual soul floating around the mountain.

What was more, there were a considerable number of creatures from other races patrolling around the Spiritual Mountain in the sky as well.

"Master, we're here. Let's go inside,"


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