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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4033

Nevertheless, Austin's spiritual sense was so much stronger than that of a semi-governing god!

Apart from that, he owned the spiritual tree, the spiritual dragon, and the Chaotic Ice Lotus. All of these were top-level treasures associated with the spiritual soul.

Moreover, the spiritual tree was considered as one of the three sacred treasures of the spiritual race.

Therefore, it wasn't inferior compared to the spiritual heart!

Kerwin had such terrifying strength and was able to employ an advanced forbidden spiritual skill of the spiritual race, all because of the spiritual heart.

The heart provided Kerwin with boundless spiritual power and spiritual law. If it wasn't for that, his strength would have been reduced greatly.

To put it bluntly, Kerwin only became so powerful because of the heart.

If he had fought with his own strength alone, Austin could have easily smashed him into pieces long ago.

At that moment, he launched an attack against Austin.

His spiritual saber was about to hit Austin's spiritual soul.

All of a sudden, there was a loud roar!

The spiritual dragon had appeared in Austin's Soul Sea.

Its strength increased along with Austin's spiritual sense. Right now, it was exhibiting such terrifying power.

Thunderous booming sounds echoed all over his Soul Sea.

As the dragon's enormous and extraordinary body moved, it stirred up a powerful storm inside the Soul Sea. Stones and sands were thrown into the air. They rolled and scattered everywhere.

And then, the dragon flew towards Kerwin's machete. Bang!

With a deafening noise, the spiritual dragon's claws had successfully blocked the spiritual machete's attack.

However, Austin was a bit startled at what happened next. The spiritual dragon was forced to retreat after it blocked a few strikes from the machete. Apparently, one of its claws had been slashed many times and there were wounds on it. It was injured!

Fortunately, the Chaotic Ice Lotus released a burst of cold aura. It shrouded the spiritual dragon and healed its injuries in an instant.

Soon after, there were several swishing sounds that signaled the arrival of Austin's other top-level treasure.

This time, the spiritual tree had also appeared. Thousands of its branches and leaves had stretched out. It had effectively entangled the spiritual machete in its foliage.

Once again, there was an earsplitting roar!

The spiritual dragon had lunged towards the spiritual blade again. With that, another fierce battle had broken out.

The spiritual tree and the Chaotic Ice Lotus had now joined the fray too.

In the meantime, the sphere of spiritual sense floating in Austin's Soul Sea began to spin and rumble. It began to release infinite, powerful, and extraordinary strong spiritual soul energy that suppressed the spiritual machete.

In the blink of an eye, the tides of the battle were turned.

The spiritual machete was forced to retreat. It whined miserably as though it was alive.

"What? Impossible! What just happened?"

At that moment, Kerwin felt extremely panicked. He thought that he could definitely kill everyone who stood in his way with just a slash from his spiritual machete.

He certainly didn't expect that Austin would emerge from that battle fine and unscathed. Moreover, he looked quite calm. His hands were behind his back, and there was a smile on his serene face.

"No way! This is impossible!"

Kerwin's expression froze. He was so pompous and aggressive just a few moments ago. But now, he looked utterly dumbfounded. He stared at Austin incredulously.

"What happened? How is he still smiling?" "What the hell!" Several spectators who had witnessed this scene were completely bewildered.

"I just saw Prince Kerwin's spiritual machete hit that man. Why does he still seem fine? What's going on?"

"You're right! That is one of the most advanced forbidden spiritual skills of our spiritual race. Once the spiritual machete is activated, it will annihilate all its enemies.

But why does he look unharmed?"

All the creatures watching them were also stunned. They stared at Austin in disbelief.

Meanwhile, it wasn't over yet.

The battle continued within Austin's Soul Sea.

All of a sudden, everything stopped. Puff!

The spiritual tree and the spiritual dragon had charged forward and smashed the spiritual machete into pieces! It had been reduced to a cloud of smoke.

"No! Unbelievable!"

This attack was initiated by Kerwin. Unfortunately, the spiritual machete exploded. As a result, the damage rebounded on him. He spat out blood on the spot, and his momentum was significantly weakened.

Kerwin thought frantically to himself, 'No way! This can't be happening!

He actually destroyed my machete! What do I do now?'

"How could this even be possible?"

Kerwin couldn't accept what was happening in front of him. Because of that, he howled with rage.

"I'll kill you! You'll pay for this!"

Suddenly, he appeared utterly insane.

Several loud booming noises shook the entire area.

Kerwin's eyes had turned bloodshot. They emitted such a horrifying glow. Then, he began to walk aggressively towards Austin. The violent fluctuation of his soul power had spread out and shook the whole Spiritual Mountain. It almost caused it to collapse and shatter.

"Enough! I've already defeated you. If I were you, I will stop struggling right this instant.

Just surrender quietly, and hand over the spiritual heart!"

Austin growled back. Like a ghost, he appeared in front of Kerwin in just a blink of an eye.


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