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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4035

"Damn it! Where on earth is that cursed human brat hiding with those shadow race members?

When I find them, I will teach them a hard lesson before I hand them to Donahue," Prince Amit growled testily in frustration.

It had been a few months since he had come to the Spirit Cosmos with his men.

However, he got nothing until now.

Donahue had offered him a great number of treasures in exchange for bringing all the traitors of the shadow race to him.

Prince Amit initially thought that it would be a walk in the park to capture them.

After all, he could mobilize a large number of men, and he was both well-equipped and well-informed.

That was why he was convinced that it would just be a piece of cake to capture the traitors of the shadow race alive. He couldn't be more wrong.

A few months had passed, and he still couldn't even find a trace of them, not to mention catch them.

This irritated Prince Amit to no end.

Prince Amit's plan was to visit the high-ranking figures in the Spirit Cosmos such as Prince Kerwin, Prince Daum, Prince Rondo, Mordechai and Sergio.

As long as they agreed to help him capture those damned traitors, things would be much easier for him.

However, recently the Spirit Cosmos had been in chaos. These masters had been too occupied fighting over the position of the chief. None of them had the time to meet Prince Amit.

Therefore, in the past few months, with no one to assist him, he had been wandering around the Spirit Cosmos aimlessly with his people.

Unbeknownst to them, Austin had already spotted them.

"Prince Amit has a significantly high status in the Elf Cosmos.

Since he wanted to mess with me, I will have to suppress him and turn him into my slave,"

Austin murmured to himself with a vicious sneer on the corner of his lips.

The entire Spirit Cosmos was already under Austin's control. Hence, he had a huge advantage. Poor Prince Amit on the other hand was defenseless in this cosmos. It was impossible for him to emerge unhurt from Austin's attacks.

"Let's split up!

We must find those guys from the shadow race as well as that human brat.

If you can't bring them to me, you will be heavily punished when we return,"

Prince Amit yelled at his men as frustration fueled his anger further.

Before they split up, a voice came from the distance.

"Ahem! I guess you are looking for us, aren't you?"

"Huh? Who is that? Who are you? Reveal yourself!"

Prince Amit said in panic as he looked to the direction where the voice came from.

Then, out of nowhere, a group of people showed up in the distance, suspended in the air.

The leader of the group was a young man who appeared to be from the human race.

Behind him was a large group of shadow race members and a woman who looked distinctly from the elf race.

"It's them! They are here!"

"Prince Amit, they are the ones that we have been looking for!"

Before Prince Amit could say anything, his subordinates around him had already started shouting excitedly, as if they had found a boatload of treasures.

"What the hell are you waiting for, idiots? Surround them now and don't let any of them get away!"

Prince Amit ordered as his face darkened.

He knew that something was amiss. This was too easy.

He had been hunting them down for so long, but they now came to him just like this.

Therefore, Prince Amit strongly felt that something was wrong. He had a gnawing feeling in his gut.


No matter what games you are playing, you can't escape from me.

Get them all. Take them alive!"

Prince Amit barked out his orders.

Immediately, his men swarmed up and surrounded Austin and the others with him.


You had it coming.

You filthy brat, I know why you came to me.

Since we are in the Spirit Cosmos, not the Elf Cosmos, you are convinced that I couldn't pose a threat to you.

Well it worked to my advantage. Now, I will let you know how ignorant you are and that you have just made the worst decision of your life!

I am someone that you can never afford to mess with,"

Prince Amit said in a haughty tone as he stared at Austin.

He could tell that Austin, the only human in the horde of creatures, was in charge.

"And you, bitch, you betrayed our Elf Cosmos and eloped with these foul smelling traitors. When I take you back, you can only guess the world of pain and punishment that shall befall upon you.


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