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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4037

"They won't hurt me. No matter how loudly you shout, it's useless."

Austin flashed a faint smile at Prince Amit.

Princess Esther, who had been escorted back to the Elf Cosmos along with Austin, now stood next to him, completely dumbfounded.

Back when they had been captured, she had been scared out of her wits, feeling sure that the chances of them surviving were slim to none.

So what was happening in front of her now was all the more of a shock to her. But for the first time since their capture, she felt a trickle of hope blooming in her heart.

'Is this why he dared to come back to the Elf Cosmos?' she wondered.

Although she didn't understand what was happening exactly, she could surmise that Austin had a few tricks up his sleeve that she didn't know about. All she knew was that Prince Amit's men weren't going to hurt them, after all.

The nonchalance on Austin's face seemed to indicate that he wasn't worried in the slightest, and that calmed her down as well.

On the other hand, Prince Amit couldn't help but panic. "You brat, did you do something to them?

Tell me what you did to them!

I'm warning you, you're standing on the land of the Elf Cosmos. You can't afford to be presumptuous!" he shouted.

But of course, only dogs barked; wolves just struck their enemy without warning.

"The land of the Elf Cosmos? Do I look like I care?"

Austin sneered.

The next moment, unbeknownst to everyone, he focused all his attention and energy on using the Puppet Strings.

This time, countless red threads rushed out of his Soul Sea and swiftly shot out in all directions.

Standing in the hall were numerous creatures who worked for Prince Amit, but only half of them were strong and skilled enough to be worth controlling.

The other half were weak and only good for carrying out small orders.

Therefore, Austin didn't bother targeting them. He didn't want to waste his secret skill of the Puppet Strings on them.

Instead, the red threads just rushed towards the former half, the creatures who could really be of use to him.

Soon, all the creatures that had been attacked by the red threads became obedient and docile. They were now Austin's slaves.

Most of them had no power to resist at all, so they had been subdued in an instant.

Only one of them, a genuine medium-grade divine god, resisted to some extent.

He was the most powerful martial arts master in Prince Amit's mansion.

Austin guessed that this divine god acted an adviser to Prince Amit. Of course, in his eyes, all of them were just small fry.

Prince Amit, who had no idea what had just happened right under his nose, began running his mouth again. "How dare you look down on the Elf Cosmos? What an arrogant asshole!

Everyone, attack this human brat. We must kill him right here without delay!

Whoever launches the strike that kills him will be rewarded handsomely!"

he shouted at his men, but there was a trace of fear in his voice. He knew that something wasn't right, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

The reality was that half of the creatures in the hall had already become Austin's slaves, while the other half were just lowly servants.

They had no idea how to fight or capture people, let alone kill someone.

Therefore, no matter how loudly Prince Amit roared, no one took his orders seriously. None of them so much as moved a finger to take any action.

Instead, they stared at Prince Amit with defiance and even amusement in their eyes, as if they were watching a circus clown.

Seeing this, a chill went up Prince Amit's spine.

"Brat, what the hell did you do to my people?

Tell me right now!"

he roared at Austin with panic-stricken eyes.

The situation unfolding in front of him was too strange to comprehend.

The loss of control over his people as well as the inability to make sense of what was happening made fear rise in Prince Amit's heart.

"What did you do?" Princess Esther asked softly.

She was just as puzzled as Prince Amit was by the strange situation in front of her, but contrary to him, she was feeling nothing but joy and satisfaction in her heart.

Austin had promised her that nothing would happen to them, and it seemed that he would keep that promise.

Not only was he an honest man, he was also strong and capable. Princess Esther couldn't help but feel a rush of affection towards him.

"Why are you all standing there? Why aren't you listening to my orders?

Are you betraying me?"

Prince Amit yelled, trying to maintain his sense of authority over his men. Unfortunately, all he received was an unexpected reply from Austin.

"You are right, Your Highness.

They finally realized that serving you will not bring them a bright future, so they've all decided to abandon the dark side and join me instead,"

Austin said with a playful smile.


Prince Amit roared in a mixture of shock and anger. Until minutes ago, his men had been loyal and obedient to him. He couldn't understand how they would have suddenly switched sides.

"It's true. You don't believe it?

Well, I'll show you.

Guys, catch this arrogant prince for me!"


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