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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4040

Afterwards, Donahue and Kendal hurriedly dragged Austin to look for Harland.

In the Shadow Cosmos, Donahue, Kendal, Harland, and Fagan could be said to be equal in strength.

Therefore, Austin planned to enslave all four of them in one go.

At that moment, Harland led his subordinates in search for Austin according to the Shadow King's orders.

Suddenly, Donahue and Kendal appeared in front of him with Austin by their side.

Shocked didn't even begin to explain how he felt.

Before he recovered, Austin used the Secret Reincarnation Skill and the Puppet Strings.

Although Harland was a genuine premium-grade divine god, he lost the ability to resist in just a few seconds in the face of Austin's attack.


Harland dropped into a low respectful bow to Austin.

"Fagan's next."

Excitement pumped through Austin's veins.

"Fortunately, I learned a lot of advanced techniques of the Puppet Strings in the Spirit Cosmos.

I even got the spiritual heart that has greatly enhanced my spiritual sense force.

Subduing a genuine premium-grade divine god wouldn't have been this easy in the past.

I gained a lot in the isolated alien spaces."

Austin's good mood was nearly infectious.

Soon, they managed to track down Fagan.

Without a word, Austin subdued him.

Once he was done, the four masters of the Shadow Cosmos completely became his slaves.

"Master, do you want to enslave the Shadow King and the Elf King?

They're looking for you everywhere,"

Donahue reported.

"That isn't necessary yet.

Both of them are semi-governing gods. If I can't end the battle in a short time, it'll end up being a huge pain."

Austin gave it a moment's thought but ended up rejecting it.

"From now on, you four will keep staying in the Shadow Cosmos.

If I need you, I'll contact you.

I'll come back sooner or later.

Eventually, the Shadow Cosmos will become the alliance's territory,"

Austin confidently ordered.

"Yes, master!"

all four of them answered respectfully with a deep bow.

"For now, I'm leaving the Shadow Cosmos."

Austin decided.

"Goodbye, master!"

Once again, the four of them spoke in unison.

No word left their lips as they all used their telepathic link to communicate with Austin.

Immediately after, Austin moved towards a teleportation array in the Shadow Cosmos.

With the use of this teleportation array, people could directly teleport out of the isolated alien spaces.

"It's strange.

I sense something.

Some changes have taken place within the Shadow Cosmos,"

the Shadow King murmured when his heart skipped a beat.

At that time, his spiritual sense was probing the entirety of the Shadow Cosmos and he discovered that the space in the Shadow Cosmos seemed to have undergone some very subtle changes.

Wherever Austin went in the Shadow Cosmos, he would cut off an entire space and separate it from the surrounding space.

It was near impossible to perceive.

However, due to the sudden loss of space, the surrounding space would move in and take its place.

Having some fluctuations in the space couldn't be stopped.

Since the Shadow King ruled over the Shadow Cosmos for countless years, he was very familiar with every inch of it and could easily pinpoint anything amiss.

"It must be that guy!

In the Elf Cosmos, a space was cut off in my eldest son's mansion.

What astonishing attainments in the space law has that guy achieved? Even I feel inferior to him!"

A low roar left the Elf King.

"Let's go and have a look!"


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