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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 405

In the third round, Austin had an odd opponent. The young woman had a harp in her arms. Nevertheless, Austin defeated her and qualified for promotion.

The fourth round of the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games was up next.

The third round saw about 300 players participating, out of which 150 qualified for the next round.

The Imperial Warfare Field was the biggest in the entire country and consisted of a 100 battle rings. This meant that all the 150 players could compete at the same time.

The fourth round began and the number plates of the players who were yet undefeated lit up.

Then, the teleportation array began which would assign the fixtures to the players. Flashes of swishing noises echoed in the stadium, as all the players were transported to the rings assigned to them.

There were only 50 spaces in the next round. This meant that the 150 players were determined to make it into those final places, and the competition gained a sense of momentum and prestige.

Each and every player was ready to play to his strongest strengths and give it all.

Austin stood in the ring and looked across the battle ring watching his opponent calmly.

On the other end was an aristocratic handsome man in a yellow shirt, the fragrance of the elixir nauseating everyone that stood near him.

"Aha, Austin, I hadn't expected that it would be you who I'd face in this round.

I'm Owen from the Gongsun Clan. You must have heard of it.

I did follow your performances in the previous rounds. Sure, you have the potential to be in the top 50 players of the competition.

But unfortunately, destiny has decided this is the end of your journey, coz I'm your opponent. I will defeat you," Owen said with an air of superiority. He said all this matter-of-factly, as if him defeating Austin was the preordained truth.

Austin couldn't help himself and burst into laughter. "This guy has clearly counted his chickens before they've even hatched," he thought.

"Oh? You don't seem to be in agreement.

Let me put it this way:

The Gongsun Clan, as you know, is famous for its alchemy and its magical prowess.

I am the most astute genius in this generation of the Gongsun Clan!

The ancestors of the Gongsun Clan have passed down not only a special formula for the cultivation of vital energy, but also one for medicine cultivation. That is completely different from the cultivation of vital energy and requires a certain prowess of its own. With the help of the magic and enchanting effect of the elixir, I can instantly improve my combat effectiveness, stimulate my own potential, and increase my strength to levels you can never even imagine!" Owen boasted.

"Medicine cultivation?" Austin asked. His voice had an underlying sense of surprise.

He had never even heard of medicine cultivation. However, if Owen was supposed to be believed, there should be a way to cultivate it with the help of the power of the elixir.


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