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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4061

"Yes, that's why I'm here,"

Austin said respectfully as he nodded at the two beasts in front of him.

After all, the power they possessed was equivalent to a governing god's.

"Even if something is wrong with this space, you're not qualified to take a look.

You're too weak.

Just leave,"

one of the beasts said in a haughty tone.

"Sirs, I just want to know what's going on over there.

The Divine Tomb is located at the three thousand big and small universes. If anything bad happens to it, all the universes will be in trouble.

I mean you no ill will.

I also want to see how my nine friends are doing.

I'm worried about them. I want to meet them again,"

Austin said, showing no intention of leaving.

"How dare you have the audacity to talk back to us? As he said, you are too weak.

There are many things that you are not qualified to investigate.

Just get lost!"

the other beast said impatiently.

The two of them looked at Austin with a ferocious look in their eyes, silently commanding him to leave.

To their surprise and annoyance, the human boy in front of them remained adamant.

"Sirs, I won't leave until I figure things out," he said decisively.

"You brought this upon yourself!"

The voices of the two beasts rumbled through the area in unison. They had run out of patience. Since the young man wouldn't listen to their words, they would have to teach him a lesson by force.

An overwhelming torrent of evil aura appeared and surged wildly through the area.

A terrifying burst of energy and powerful laws instantly filled the space, heading towards Austin and the twelve animals.

The pressure weighing down on them made it difficult for them to breathe.

However, they weren't intimidated in the slightest. In fact, the twelve animals were excited at the prospect of battling the two beasts.

"This is awesome!" they shouted in chorus.

Their bodies began glowing brightly at the same time, as if they were all connected with one another.

Twelve powerful energies shot out of their bodies and gathered together, forming a potent energy field around them.

The twelve animals seemed to become a whole, getting ready to fight their opponents together.

'It's the Twelve-animal Array!'

Austin thought in awe, recognizing the move they were using.

Once the twelve animals activated this array, they could match a governing god's strength.

"Humph! Austin, it's pointless to waste time talking to them. Let's fight our way in,"

the tiger growled.

The twelve animals were all belligerent. They didn't so much as flinch at the threat of the two beasts. Instead, they had all become determined to fight.

"You impudent beings! It seems that you've all chosen death,"

one of the beasts roared before charging at them.

"Let's get this fight started!" The twelve animals charged forward as well in high spirits.

The two parties clashed with each other and quickly became locked in battle.

A battle between two parties, both of which possessed power equivalent to a governing god's, was way more tempestuous than one could imagine.

A column of energy blasted up into the air from the array formed by the twelve animals, lighting up the skies.

"Is that all you got?"

the beast roared, releasing a mighty burst of spatial force.

Dozens of dilapidated cosmoses rushed out of the void, coming at the twelve animals like monoliths.

These were real cosmoses, not just ones formed out of energy. The beast had taken advantage of the spatial power to use the cosmoses as a weapon.

Austin, who had never seen such a trick before, was deeply impressed. He continued studying the battle with great interest.


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